I'm 5' 2" and need to lose 50 as well. If anyone else needs motivation like I do, please add (:
22 here. Also deleted many people because they no longer log in, so I'm looking to add more friends as well (:
Hi, I'm interested in this as well (:
From California here, looking to add more friends for motivation (:
Hi there, I'll send you a request. I'm looking for new fitness friends as well. (:
CW: 180 GW: 140 H: 5'2" Age: 22
Hi all, feel free to add me! I'm trying to lose around 30 pounds and looking for friends with health goals of their own!
Hello there, I'm starting again as well. I'll be adding you! (:
I have always loved that clothing line, but am waiting to see results with my diet and exercise before buying anything from them. Good luck, I'm sure you'll look wonderful!
Whenever you look in the mirror just think "Yea that's right, I earned this. I made this happen." Amazing job! (:
Yes, I think this is an important one especially for those of us just starting our journey.
My psychiatrist recommends I take vitamin B complex. I believe some are labled as Vitamin B stress complex. It may help reduce your feelings of anxiety, but of course everyone is different. I took it regularly with my other medication, but do not take it anymore because I forget to. I have a terrible diet so I felt like I…
I'm about 5' 2.5". I'm trying to not pay attention to my weight, but more the inches lost. However i think around 130 lbs would be my ultimate goal. I'm currently 179
Thank you all for your responses so far. Good to know you have all had success with other workout programs! And I agree I'm finding it difficult to continue with 30DS, but those who have completed it seemed to be successful with losing some inches. Not major inches of course, but progress is progress! :)