Hi there! Once my gym mate did wear the same thing... It mimics the effect of those "sauna suits" I do have one. It makes me sweat a lot... And by. That I mean a lot.. Stay hydrated though... It may cause heatstroke and dehydration.... Drink water frequently... Feel free to add me :)
Getting started? First, believe in yourself, have a goal... Know why you are doing it, is it for yourself? Or because of other reason/s? Perhaps being bullied by other people?... I used to be 97 KGS but am now down to 56 KGS. I have been called a lot o nasty things, from fat, porky, oinky etc....... Also Never let stress…
Hi there! I feel your passion towards crisps.... :) I love me some junk food but at times I do look for other alternatives such as fresh fruits... Or maybe some baked sweet potatoes with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.... I know how you feel, that sound of crunch really has a seductive effect eh? When eating try adding…
Great! Hi there! New to this journey? I tell you... It is not going to be easy. But it is going to be HELL WORTH IT! :) feel free to add me..... I believe you can do it :) I also love love love food!
You can do it!
Hi feel free to add me :) You are starting your journey towards a healthy new you right? Good luck :)
now what? I feel your pain.... I have been bullied a lot because of my weight. YOU CAN DO IT! I used to weigh 97kgs. I was mocked by my so-called friends and even my time that teacher called me fat in front of the whole class. Also,They used to call me "fat, pig,oinky" you name it... I've heard them all.... I…
Try staying away from the television if possible..... And when you feel hungry, try asking yourself if you are really hungry... Ask yourself if you would like to eat an apple. If yes, you are probably really hungry. If no, then you either bored or just thirsty.... Try doing other things that will take your attention away…
Muscle is heavier than fat, the number on the scale doesn't really matter..... Focus on the things you wear regularly, are they getting loose? If yes... Congratulations! :) I usually do it once a week. And do it with an empty stomach.... Preferably before having breakfast..... :) also feel free to add me
Feel free to add me :)