Once again and for the last time..... I know I shouldn't have titled the article like I did but wow you must be really bored to just keep hammering me like it was a crime. Yeah I'm not going to read anymore cause I have a life. And for the record... I don't care what you eat for breakfast.
You can stop commenting now... Find something better to do please
I full agree that I titled the thread incorrectly but if you read it before committing you might get it. I think there are a lot of people on here who just want to comment and be ugly. Not even worried about health. I've also been hit on by 2 different men in personal messages yesterday alone. This just makes me wonder why…
I want to thank everyone for your comments, the discussion about the article, and the positive comments to me personally. But to the rude must have cheerios for breakfast and someone pissed in then. Stay positive and have a healthy happy life people. That's what this is all about.
Not that everyone was rude. Debating the topic is a good thing. ... Just don't see how I can be attached and told I'm telling people what to do and I'm a Newby when all I did was shared a article
Not telling anyone what to do. We are all adults here. I just thought it was interesting and shared. Didn't expect people to be so rude. I won't be sharing again....
Walking dead!!!!