mmoore83 Member


  • @Emilia777 My apologizes. It has been a long week. And I know better than to look for answers on the internet. It was a quick search, with not much thought put into it. I'm pretty sure the "real" articles out there will not give a definitive answer and will simply say what we and others agree on: it is not the same for…
  • @KingoftheLilies I am aware that study wasn't the best example to use. I appreciate your response. Even dietitians, personal trainers, and exercise physiologists are going to disagree on what the best course of action is because it really does depend on each individual. No single approach is going to work for everyone.
  • @Emilia777 I actually did mention that the sample size was small so I know that the study may not have been statistically significant. I'll admit that wasn't the best article to use as a reference, but there are plenty of resources available and not all of them are going to agree with what is the most effective approach to…
  • @Emilia777 It really depends on the person's schedule and routine, but typically most people are more active during the daytime hours, so eating more calories earlier in the day gives you more time to burn them off. Like I said in my first post, it also depends on your activity level and what time of day you work out.…
  • It really depends on your body and metabolism, as well as your activity level and what time of day you work out. I think that eating the majority of your calories in the first half of the day (breakfast and lunch) is important for weight loss. Eating a meal too close to bedtime is not a good idea either. You should try to…