ICan4Me296 Member


  • Name: Amy Height: 5'3" Heaviest Weight: 350 lbs Starting Weight: (6/1): 335.6 lbs Goal Weight: (6/29): 330 lbs 6/4: 335.6 6/11: 335.4 6/18: 334 6/25: Loss/gain for the week: 1.4 lbs Loss/gain for the month: 1.6 lbs Just started tracking this for the month, hope it's not too late to join in. I usually weigh only on…
  • I've also reduced my soda intake and instead of a large iced coffee and mcmuffin from McD's every work morning, now I'm taking my breakfast to work along with my lunch. I can tell that it's making a difference in my energy levels!
  • Oh I understand that the majority of how the weight comes off is by reducing calories, but for me, the calorie watching is easy and when I do track them, I'm usually below my limit for the day, that's why I said I'm not really concentrating on that part. The hard part for me is getting up and moving. I sit at a desk all…
  • Thank you all for the welcome. I struggle with food but for the time being I'm working at adding exercise to my daily routine. Baby steps in the right direction!