Welcome! I hope you work hard and achieve your goals
Greensboro here
Great job. Your an inspiration to so many struggling to get healthy and fit. GOLD MEDALIST
Definitely rock. Not head banging but rock for sure.
I like curvy women.
Good luckJessica, my wife struggled just like you are. The good thing as far as I can see is you don't need to loose much as your looking pretty stunning in that pic. Just keep thinking about the beach and strutting in your bikini. Smile, John
I had a delicious apple. It was just what I needed at a moment of weakness.
You look so happy in that bikini.
Smokin hot so crush for sure
Greensboro, NC
Because I love your glasses
Because your bacon is always hot and tasty
They are the sexiest for sure
Because you love bacon
That's deceiving because I stopped using the app a while ago and the 8 pounds I list were over more that a year. Sorry for the confusion. Hope your being successful