samiisaurus Member


  • HAHA OH GOD We have such similar diets!! Had a quick look at your diary. Also it would be so hard for you since you're not even remotely heavy at all! Should I up the carbs in general to avoid water weight from days when I have a bit of a bigger intake? Sometimes I up the carbs if I know I'm aiming for a big record at the…
  • I'm so grateful for these replies :) Thanks guys Haha yay join me. Be careful of those "cups of oil" ;) I had a good laugh when you told me. I think I can safely say it's not from my laziness in logging. I meal prep and measure everything out. If I randomly walk past the kitchen and grab a bite of something, I'll track it…
  • I actually have a hard time meeting my fats. By low carb I mean about 60ish grams a day, not like keto. Hahaha the magical 1200. MFP picked it for me and I figured since it's so popular it must work. It did for about a month. Thank you :) I definitely have to be doing something wrong, but it sucks that I can't figure out…
  • Quest Protein Powders. I've only tried the Vanilla Milkshake and it's sooo yum on its own with water. I sometimes mix in a serving of pb2 or some strawberries if I want some variety. Really good for cooking, too. :)
  • 1. Quest bars 2. Fruit/berries, especially raspberries when they don't cost an arm and a leg 3. Greek Yogurt with some PB2 sprinkled in :) Makes it sweet without buying the flavored ones that have a ton of sugar.
  • Been here a while, just using mfp seriously recently, would love to have some motivation for whenever I need it. :) Particularly girls with similar goals (weightloss, 1200kcal limit or similar)
  • Wow congrats Emily! That's true dedication. I've got about 20 to lose as well :) I'll motivate you, but it certainly seems like you know what you're doing :)
  • Like someone already said, these things are the best when it comes to motivation. Much like wanting all my MFP stats to stay in the green zone, I have the same dedication to my Fitbit. I can't go to bed until I've hit my steps/calories burned/time active. Very good value for money, and randomly quite waterproof. There's…