lindsey0724 Member


  • Mine is @lindseysfitness2015!
  • Agreed with @iseed87. Don't pay attention to what the scale says - as long as you're noticing a physical change and feeling more toned, then you're on the right track! Progress pictures are always more accurate than scale numbers.
  • I might be wrong with how I interpret the phrase! Because you're right, it is hard to burn off as many calories as you intake, for sure. I guess I just took it a little more metaphorically, haha.
  • I second the photo suggestion! I weigh almost the same since I started, but I took photos instead of weighing on the scale (hard to get used to, at first). Although most days I didn't really feel different, I'd compare the photos and see that there was SO much change that the scale didn't reflect. So you might still be…
  • Technically yes, calories in equals calories out and as long as you have a deficit, you will lose weight. But foods with higher nutritional content vs. empty calories will help you achieve that faster, going back to that old phrase "you can't out run a bad diet." And you'll just be healthier, you'll boost your metabolism,…
  • 1,386 definitely sounds more reasonable!
  • Overnight oats have been my favorite lately. 1/2 cup oats mixed with banana, protein powder, chia seeds, and whatever else you want - it's delicious with no cooking involved. Peanut butter banana toast is also good, greek yogurt with granola/flaxseed/chia, egg scramble with veggies and turkey bacon...anything with protein…
  • Plateaus are super frustrating, so I feel your pain. When you eat around 1400-1500 in the past, were you eating back the calories burned from exercise? You said you're quite active, so I'm also wondering if you aren't actually eating enough. I was only eating around 1300 for a while but working out for 50-60 minutes six…
  • I would agree, eating back about 75% (normally I'd say eat it all back, but that's only if you're wearing a heart rate monitor to track calories burned and weighing everything you eat so you know the exact calorie count). That extra 25% that you don't eat back can make up for anything you didn't count during the day. But…
  • I agree with Emmy4444, eating too much of anything isn't necessarily good, although you're only 17g over on protein and most of it comes from lean protein in your diet (chicken, lamb, tuna, etc.) so that's alright. Definitely watch your sugar intake - "goal" is a mis-leading word in this case, and for men, it is typically…
  • I use a Polar ft4 which I love. It tracks any sort of exercise you're doing based on your heart rate. But any sort of monitor like that would probably be what you're looking for.
  • From my research, that's wayy too little. It really isn't healthy or beneficial to eat below 1200, as it'll just harm your body in the long-term. Sometimes losing 2lbs per week is just too intense on the body as well. Seeing that you only weigh 159lbs, it would probably be better to adjust to 1lb loss per week.…