pldsparks Member


  • I received my first bear in my last order. Yeah! I hit the 10 lb mark right after my order shipped so I had to wait almost a month to get it. I just hit my 20 lb mark today so I will get my second bear with my next order at the end/beginning of the month. The bears are sooooo cute! Love your passengers Val!
    in My Bears Comment by pldsparks July 2015
  • Good luck to you Patty. You would think that exercise would always be a bonus. 2 years ago I was trying to lose weight and I had some surgery where I could not exercise. I lost just as much with just watching my diet. I am one of those crazies that really likes to exercise. I used to think that weight loss was 50% diet 50%…
  • I really like making new friends that are on the same journey as me. It is discouraging when my weight loss doesn't go the way I want, but NS is working really well for me. I am such a structured person, and NS is so easy; I have been on since May 15,2015 and I only had one day that I was hungry. That being said, I think…
  • The bears are a great way to mark your weight loss journey. I am looking for my first one to arrive in my next shipment which will be around the first week in July. Good for you!!!!
    in My Bears Comment by pldsparks June 2015
  • I scan my NS items into mfp. I find it to be faster than looking them up. The scanner is awesome. Picks up most everything. I didn't have much luck with the scanner in numi
  • I am anxious to get my first nutribear. should come with my next order. :)
  • Thanks Patty :)
  • Pretty awesome...quite admirable that the jockey donated all his winnings to charity.
  • Hi Flo, Nice to meet you. I live in Kentucky..are there any members in KY?
  • Hi, I am Pam and I joined NS on 5/15/15. I have lost 12.4 pounds so far and am very encouraged. I would like to lose 34 more pounds. I am the queen of weight loss and I have been on almost every diet imaginable. My biggest problem is maintenance (and the fact that I love to eat and my new husband is an awesome cook), and I…