NicoleLeahy13 Member


  • Hi Tatyanne! Glad your joining us! We are kicking off on Monday June 1!! :)
  • Hey there!! I am actually just finishing up a round this week... AND will be starting another on June 1! Here is what has worked for me :) I drink my shakeology EVERY morning for breakfast... My shake keeps me full until lunch so sometimes I skip morning snack, or have a half a WG English muffin with PB! Then I usually…
  • Woo! Love your excitement...we are going to rock this!!!!!
  • BikerBabe, I can tell you that if you follow exactly what the program says it works!!! I am halfway through my first round of 21DFX and am already seeing awesome results!!!!
  • WOOO! That's what I like to hear! LOVING the positivity...We are going toCRUSH THIS!