Having a fitness partner is great! but don't RELY on them, if you can't do it with out them, learn to do it solo before adding a buddy in.
5' 11" 175-185 lbs is where I would like to be. Just a lean fit version of me.
That is sweet potato on a
Gets bored at work often.
Eggs, turkey, zukini, onion, green bell pepper, jalapeño, mushrooms, avocado, Sriracha, and whole wheat bread for scooping!
About 200 fluid oz, I work a desk job so it helps keep me feeling full, if I get hungry I drink water first.
#21 you have a diet scale at home, at work and in your car.
Remember "Small" is very relative. Try to find a nice balance of calorie intake with the most coming from breakfast and going down from there. I never feel hungry but I drink about 150 fluid oz of water daily.
Username checks out for this recommendation.