MerchantJohn Member


  • I used to be the same. I really struggled in the evenings and would 'fall off the wagon' in the end I found it was the time between meals that was my answer. During the day I had routine, so was eating and also drank lots of water however later in the day / evening I wouldn't drink anywhere near as much and leave it longer…
  • Hi, I started my journey at 242lbs I know this isn't in your number but I thought I would pipe up anyway. I started my journey after a new years eve party a few years ago after I heard a female friend say to another friend can you believe the size of him now. I started slowly and kept with it. I faltered a few times on…
  • I agree. IMO - Typically if you are going over protein & carbs but still not hitting your calories then you are being really clean which is good. Try to get to your calories first, then second to that is the macro if you are going over by an even amount for each then its balanced so its all good! Don't be afraid of good…