JJd4L Member


  • thank you thank you thank you... much appreciated...
  • sorry i didnt see ur question until now... if u are in ur add food section, there are tabs.. "recent" "frequent" "my foods" "meals" and "recipes" for instance if u go under the frequent tab.... u can check a food and down at the bottom there is a "delete from list" button in the bottom right. Hope that helps... but under…
  • i input a single serving a potato rounds... thought i had the right one.. clicked it... and it showed up as 200g Fat.... um no way... i could delete it from my meals... but now it shows up in my recent items that i could accidentally click again... i would like to go thru and delete some items off the recent list... im…
  • u are def. not alone.. i hope we can figure this out... thanks for the reply