WhimsyJayne Member


  • Good advice!
    in Help Comment by WhimsyJayne May 2015
  • Thanks everybody for your input! What a great forum! Does anyone think that support from a nutritionist at Gold's would be a good investment...$139 a month for 3 months, meeting every 2 weeks. It doesn't seem to me like updating my diet plan that often is necessary!
    in Help Comment by WhimsyJayne May 2015
  • I'm 133 pounds. 5' 1.5" I don't know how much I need to lose. Factoring in muscle gain...I just want to be as fit as possible.
    in Help Comment by WhimsyJayne May 2015
  • Thank you so much! I lost 20 pounds on Slim4Life, and I just got so used to the plan, which I think is pretty good. But I was VERY exhausted when I first started working out and wasn't sure if I wasn't getting enough calories of if my friend, who is a former college football player, pushed me too hard! I'm shooting for…
    in Help Comment by WhimsyJayne May 2015