Starting weight - 75,5 kg (166.44 lbs) November Goal - 70 (154.3lbs) (lose 5,5 kg) Ultimate goal - weigh 60-65 kg 1st -75,5 kg (166.44 lbs) 7th - 74,5 kg 14th - 72,7 kg (160.27 lbs) 21st - no change... im happy cos between my sis bday and me stress eating thought I I was going to be 75.5 again 28th - Loss in November- 2,8…
Thanks for the tips... I m frustrated cos this Saturday is my sister's bday and as I m a baker im doing the cake and know its going to be tough not to eat sweets.. Sorry for my english is not may first language
Today was a hard day... i gave in and eat Ice cream a lot of ice cream.. it was too hot and i just couldnt take it.. hope it dosent ruin my week....
Thought it was going to be much harder but I guess having a 3 month old son and breastfeeding is actually helping me. I miss cookies and alfajores (Argentinean cookies with dulce de leche and cover with chocolate) but I'm keeping myself out of temptation playing with my son... I just want my pre pregnancy body back and…
The fact that you gained weight shoud not let you down... keep on trying until you get where you want to be... Never give up... you can do it. sorry if there is a misspell... my first lenguage is not english
Im in Starting weight - 75,5 kg Current weight - 74,5 kg November Goal - 70 (lose5,5 kg) Ultimate goal - weigh 60-65 kg 1st -75,5 7th - 74,5 14th - 21st - 28th - Total Loss in November-