Hi im Josie 30ys with 3 boys. I'm struggling to lose about 40-45lbs and it's so hard to find time so do a work out. I find myself doing lunges while I have baby in my arms lol.
I'm always afraid to eat I feel like I'm am over eater I never know when to stop for some reason I can eat and eat and eat and then feel guilty about it later and then try and bring it back up I don't want to have to do that anymore and I try my hardest to stay out of the kitchen during the day and keep water by my side…
Thanks, I am border line I wanted to lose the weight so I started to notice I look really nice in smaller size clothes. But with two small kids and having to juggle my schedule around my mothers much time to squeeze in a 20 minute workout. I stopped eating after six and hopefully I can finally work out today after two…