EmilDimov Member


  • I am in also. https://www.fitbit.com/user/3XPZKF :)
  • Same case, also got one for Christmas. https://www.fitbit.com/user/3XPZKF :) Let the challenges begin
  • Well, the secret can be quite different for everybody but for me it is the sense of accomplishment after finishing a workout and the energetic feeling that it gives for the duration of the day. Why wanting to feel sloppy and moody, when you can feel healthy, happy, confident and excited?
  • Tried T25 but got bored of it very quickly. Do you feel crushed after doing the exercises? Maybe you need to push yourself a bit harder. I'd also suggest investing in a heart rate monitor to keep track if you are actually gettin any benefits from this. Actually I lost size because of that programe due to the not so…
  • Perhaps T25 as a starter. You can also try Insanity Max 30. It is a bit more difficult but still has a modifier track. Gives better results than T25 because of the intense cardio. Otherwise P90 (Not P90X!) is a great round beginner programme that incorporates both cardio and strength training.