jahnaca Member


  • I am easing myself into the friend thingie, it seems to help add a level of motivation. Feel free to add me. I am 49 and my first goal is 10 lbs but I want to do about 50.
    in MFP Friends? Comment by jahnaca May 2015
  • I am 49, I was as regular as a nuclear clock. The only time I was late I was pregnant until 4 years ago. I was so messed up, I would have my period every 2 weeks, then go back to normal then not have it for months. About 2 years ago I had my period once in twelve months. I have been free of the monthly curse since. Hot…
  • Thanks Karen. I have always kept my personal thoughts and feeling to myself, so this is kind of difficult to do, but do I must. Can't wait to get to know you all Jana
    in New here Comment by jahnaca May 2015