benzieboxx Member


  • None of us would be able to even remotely tell you if there's something going on with your body and pretzels. Usually if I have an adverse reaction to a food I just avoid that food or go see a doctor.
  • I'm one of those people who would really rather eat my calories. I get no enjoyment from meal replacement shakes at all because I really enjoy cooking and eating food. It's way more enjoyable to me. Also I'm learning all sorts of great tips for portion control and getting myself into good habits. Would I love to see the…
  • I always lose in my face and my torso first. My breasts have definitely lost some which sucks. I forgot how flatchested I was. :/ Wish it would come off of my thighs because that's the part I have the biggest confidence issue in. I'm not at my goal yet but I love the way my body is looking, except for my freaking thighs.
  • Going to second this. I've hit those moments before in the past when I was at my heaviest. Sometimes it just happens and your body just isn't shedding what you want it to. Then you step on the scale the following week and see a big change. Just give it time and don't stress about the number. Work on locking down those good…
  • I can't remember where the post was, and it's probably burried now, but someone here calculated their calories on both WW and MFP. According to WW she was barely eating 1000 calories a day most days. I don't know, WW just seems like they're steering away from their basic calorie/point method. I stopped using WW years ago…
  • Usually after 15lbs I'll see my pant size go down. Not sure on dress sizes because I've always felt too insecure with my weight to wear a dress! Right now I'm inbetween sizes which is really frustrating because the weather is getting warmer. I'm trying to lose 2 more pounds and I'm hoping that will push me into the next…
  • Pre-planning meals has been the biggest time saver and calorie saver. If I've already logged my meals for the next day (like lunch for work) I'm less likely to go off track.
  • Bodies are weird. I lost about 1 pound last week but felt soooo bloated when getting on the scale. I was sure I was going to see either a gain or no change. I try not to stay focused on the number because I can always feel the difference in my clothes before I see the scale change.
  • I'm a sucker for english muffins. Especially with all of the awesome flavors they have out. So I usually eat one of those with some peanut butter on it. Maybe a few slices of strawberries. :smile:
  • This just blew my mind. I had no idea you could do this. Here I am killing myself over certain foods when I could have just been calculating them like this the whole time!
  • If you'd like to add me as a friend, feel free to do so. I'm pretty active on the social side of MFP and love interacting with my friends on here. :smile:
  • Whenever someone asks me about my weightloss I've never once told them I'm on a diet. That implies that I'm restricting or avoiding things. I'm not. I still eat the same foods just less of them. It's not a diet it's a lifestyle change. If you want results that will last a lifetime you have to change your bad habits into…
  • This is what I do. I weigh in the same spot of my bathroom but I still tare to 0 so that I know it's relatively accurate.
  • That's definitely a great step in the direction of nutrition. I know what you mean about making healthier choices, but for me cutting things out never works. At that point I'm not really making a healthy choice, I'm avoiding the issue. Which is kind of what helped me gain 50+ pounds in my life. Not facing the real tasks at…
  • A lot of it is based on genetics. They can fade somewhat, and for some they're practically gone, but only time will tell for that. I have pretty bad stretch marks on my breasts and stomach, but luckily they have faded in appearance over the years. There are products out there that claim they'll reduce them but I have no…
  • Totally normal. Don't get hung up on the scale/number too much. Your body is going to fluctuate a lot.
  • I I wouldn't say it's weird. I'd say you're reacting exactly how someone would on a restrictive diet like yours. It sounds like, and I'm sorry if I'm overstepping here, you don't have a very healthy relationship with food. Especially carby or starchy foods. It's okay to cut back but when you're restricting yourself and…
  • If you're feeling bloated just drink some water. Fancy cleanse products don't do anything except cleanse your wallet. Like others have said (and say in every single one of these cleanse threads) your kidneys and liver do all the cleansing you'll ever need.
  • One week really isn't long enough to see major results. There's a lot of adjustments going on so you're likely bloated. I didn't start seeing results until I was about three weeks into counting and even then it was small. Now I'm seeing steady results. Just give it time. You didn't gain this weight overnight (or even over…
    in No loss Comment by benzieboxx April 2016
  • I definitely have my moms legs and we have similar shaped calves and thighs. We both have pretty thick calves, but like you said they aren't squishy. Same with my thighs. They're big but if I flex them there's a ton of muscle. I just have this pesky layer of fat on them too lol
  • If you're not ready to lose weight then don't stress yourself out so much about it. It's okay to feel like you're not ready to commit to a lifestyle change like this. I mean wouldn't you feel worst if you lost the weight but then gained it all back plus some? Maybe instead of making LOTS of little changes just make one or…
  • That's a pound a week. I'd say that's a pretty good rate if you want long term sustainable weight loss. Also make sure you're using a food scale. Simply adding fruits and veggies and "eating clean" isn't guaranteed to help you lose weight. You can still eat more than you think you are.
  • For me, eating "clean" sounds great on paper, but it is not something I'd be able to sustain over a period of time. I'm sorry but I like eating all foods. I don't like programs that notate something as a "bad food" or "good food". I have a lot of friends who are always jumping in and off the clean eating train because they…
  • Sounds like a solid plan! Don't they always say we are our own worst enemies? I mean no one is better at trash talking yourself then, well, yourself! I like to live by the general rule that if I'm telling myself something that I wouldn't say to someone else, I don't say it to myself. I don't deserve that kind of talk and…
  • I remember being 135lbs in high school and feeling pretty good about myself. I'm kind of a curvy girl so my weight would sit in the "right places" when I was at that size. So that's my goal, but if I get there and think I should go smaller, I will. Or maybe I might stop somewhere before if I'm happy with the results.…
  • I'm going to say that happens to probably 99% of people. Bodies fluctuate a lot. Like a lot. You could probably weigh yourself 10 times in an hour and get different numbers.
  • Ha you're definitely not alone! My mom gave me a very small Easter bag with a little bit of candy in it. I just made it fit. Yeah, it's not something I would choose usually (some of those mini versions of candy are ridiculous and not even worth it!) but I don't want to waste it and as long as I make it fit, what's the…
  • Personally eating out has always been difficult. Sometimes I'm driving to the restaurant and giving myself a pep-talk, "Yeah. Going to get the healthy option I already pre-logged!" and then I get there and it's like there's a disconnect and I end up getting some huge calorie bomb meal. So, in the beginning, I kind of…
  • I have no information handy to back this up, but I'm pretty sure a lot of those products don't work. Or at least don't work like they claim they do.