alvinlau316 Member


  • Lift weights. I will never understand why people automatically default to lots of cardio when losing weight. Let's just say marathon runners are not the epitome of a great physique. Resistance training allows you to build and retain lean mass. Unless you're on drugs you won't be bulky. If you're bulky it means you're not…
  • I'm not sure how that correlates. By its very nature the points system will be less accurate than logging calories by weight directly. I'd just choose one and stick with it. Adherence is more important than accuracy I suppose.
  • In my humble opinion, the point system is a bit of a crutch. The essential skill you need to pick up to not just lose weight but also maintaining after achieving your goals is by educating yourself better with macronutrients and calorie counting. I'm not going to lie and say it's easy but I can promise you it gets easier.…