You are truly an inspiration :)
Gym life
I'm not into girls but you are hot so I would date :smiley:
dance & hug :#
I drunk black tea once and it was so nasty lmao :D what kind of black tea do you drink?
pretty :smiley:
I'm 21 and I need to lose 57 pounds :s
A few weeks ago I weighed myself. I knew I gained a lot of weight, because I've been told I looked "bigger" in the face which kind of hurt. I have always had a good figure never was chubby, as a teen. I let myself go and its no ones fault, but my own.So I understand how you feel.
OMG! Yes and drinking alcohol has a ton of calories by itself. Now I have to plan out what I wanna eat and make sure I eat at least 1,000 calories a day. To make things worse I have to drink nothing, but water and green tea with no sugar :neutral:
It really does suck lmao !! Its nice to know I'm not completely alone on that one lol. Lets support each other ! :smiley:
Hug :blush:
Pretty :smile:
I'm new to fitness pal and feeling alone with my journey.I'm looking for motivational friends :#