T1stime Member


  • Hello Katie, my name is Carole. I am fairly new here but the support is great. If you want us to motivate each other, it would be great. I'll send you a friends invite
  • Good morning group, another reason to loose weight: to be able to sit on the bus ! I have to commute to Downtown Montreal were I work (45 min ride). I like to start early so that I can leave work early. I take the bus at 5:41 AM and I usually have to stand because the few places left are next to people that take A LOT of…
  • Good morning and thank you ladies for your nice welcome. I gathered all my courage and when I stepped of the scale it was not so terrible: 304.5, I gained 3 pounds. My next goals are to be more active on a regular basis and to go under the 300 mark. MissBecca 145: I will definitely use this to motivate me more.…