I read this book Shrink Yourself by Dr. Roger Gould a Psychiatrist. I was told by a nutritions that I wasn't going to loose any weight unless I learned to control my emotional eating. I felt angry and hurt when she told me that but I went to the library and researched the topic. The most useful book was the one written by…
You look fantastic. I can describe how inspiring it is to see a regular human being work hard and persevere in order to lose weight. No magic pill or easy solutions just hard work and perseverance. You are amazing :)
I can drink coca cola or cakes or cookies in moderation so I don't buy them or have them at home for years now. But you can only avoid sweets for so long ,every once in a while I buy only what I am going to eat and nothing more one slice of pie and move on or else I won't stop eating it.
Vancouver, BC
I saw a picture of myself that made me feel so ashamed, I didn't want to go out because I didn't think I look good but when my mother had a hard attack 3 months ago. I opened an account and started my journey towards a healthy lifestyle one day at the time. Some days I feel discourage because I want to eat as much as I…
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story. I had a bad yesterday eating way way to much but I guess this is a journey and a healthier way of life. So I needed this push to get out and exercise and to renew my commitment to a healthier me. Than you for sharing g your story :smiley: smile:
I am new at using my fitness pal. I registered a while ago (almost a year ago) but wasn't successful and didn't lose any weight This is my second time and I lost 5 lbs so far in 5 weeks not a whole lot but I am happy and most importantly I feel better. The one thing I noticed is that I am an emotional eater and crave…
Your inspire me to give up my excuses and get to the gym to work out. :)
I think you look great. I had my first child at 23 and the second at 29 and I am now after all this year finally committing to losing the weight. Be proud of your work :)