Vartor_the_Barbarian_ Member


  • Hello all :) Goal: Paleo September...'cause I've switched jobs, had a stressful summer, and ate craptastically Method: Shop Paleo, prep meals, use the Paleo app, give and receive support along the way. Expectation: Less fat, more energy, feel better, be invincible, buy a superhero outfit and defeat bad guys with my mad…
  • In for a simplified September :)
  • Hmm...well, i know I couldn't go without my veggies. All the different colors across the fruit and veggie spectrum bring their own unique vitamin contribution. But hey, if no veggies works for some, that's cool. I don't believe one size fits all.
  • It takes courage to post an individual FR thread on here instead of on one of the general FR machine threads. Sure, I'm down, if you like. :)