kiela64 Member


  • I have persistently right calves, so I do a wall stretch for 20 sec x 3 each side and foam roll each calf 60 sec. I do this twice a day after using a heating pad on my calves for 10min. You may not need that intensity - I tore my calf muscle on a short walk because they just get really really tight. But maybe these 2…
  • That woman is wearing shapewear and a push up bra! Looking “like that” is an illusion. She too could have lost weight, you can’t tell if she has extra skin hiding under there. Curvy looks can be created. I remember that plus size model Ashley Graham has an official workout to keep her shape (there was a cute buzz feed…
  • If anyone wants to do challenges, you can add me with the code kielak3782 🙂
  • I think there are still step together rewards, if I'm not mistaken?
  • Just regular more frequent check ups on how I’m functioning. I don’t think mental health is assumed to be related- may not be , just it’s an added frustration.
  • Thank you for sharing this. It sounds like you found a good way to navigate your emotions during this stressful time!
  • It's ridiculous how awful they can be. The first doctor I saw said I would be back to my normal self in 4 days. That was in September, and while I'm better than I was, I am Not Better yet. I have since seen some specialists that said it's normal & there's a wide variation. It sucks! I hope your son is doing better <3 I…
  • Absolutely. I had a really amazingly emotionally good summer, and losing 45lbs was challenging but doable. My SO has been a fantastic emotional support and I was doing so so so well on all fronts. Now I've been experiencing more emotional upset being sidelined with a concussion (and recently officially a mild depressive…
  • @estherdragonbat sorry to revive this old thread again, but I just wanted to say that this book got a giant seal of approval from my physiotherapist today!! She said the progressions look really good and I can start with a mix between the beginner & intermediate stuff 😁 so if anyone is in a similar boat & looking for…
  • Thank you so much!!
  • I'll just add my experience getting back into the water after being out of it for years and very sedentary: I couldn't complete a single length without pausing to tread water and gasp for air at least twice. It took me a long time to be able to even swim 50m consecutively again. It sounds like your history was a lot more…
  • Thank you, you’re right: even if it’s not the same as the other one, eventually I will get the data to make it work. I had hoped it would just replace what I lost and not have an adjustment period (part of why I didn’t go with another brand). I could have gotten something cheaper for that effect and I’m a little bummed…
  • Thank you!! Both my old & new ones are designed to be able to be worn in different locations. I mostly wore my old one clipped to my waistband or in my pocket (you select a setting in the app for wearing location). But as I lost it that way, I tried my wrist and my bra strap as they seem more secure. As the wrist day had…
  • It’s weird because I thought Misfit was good, as the flash I had before was really reliable 😞 darn. I don’t think I can return it because it’s been used, it’s seeming to say it needs to be unopened in the box to be returnable. Money wasted.
  • Glad to see you’re having good conversations with your doctor. Did he recommend or comment on the supplements?
  • I experienced some hair loss and even though my iron was within normal range my doctor still thought because it was the low end of normal taking biotin & iron supplements will help. It’s been getting less dramatic doing this although I had to cut my hair because it was just a matted mess of shed hair. That was really…
  • ❤️ Thank you for sharing this!! I’m around my first goal weight, 160, because that’s what I could think of as possible. I’m wavering and I am up a few pounds sadly. This is what I weighed at the end of high school at my prom. I don’t know weights below that, but I was a size smaller earlier on in high school. My grade 8…
  • Just that I can’t even fathom it in relation to myself. My sense of what normal is has just been that skewed!
  • lol 😂 yes I have zero expectations of or interest in “tracking” my sleep. I’m leaning towards the Misfit or the Moov now. Misfit at least sorta syncs, even though it’s not really communicating correctly it has the potential to be fixed. Moov seems cool with the coaching features, plus it’s a little cheaper. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m…
  • Approximately. It varies a lot because at first I was losing too quickly while I was working at my active job a lot. My intake was aiming for 1lb/week but I had weeks between 2-3lb/week loss rate as recorded by my app. But I didn’t stay there, and I’ve had weeks where I’ve gained. So I’m not sure where to take the data…
  • Possibly, I’m not really sure how to do that.
  • Interesting! How do you set up your spreadsheet?
  • At least when I had the Misfit it would give me like a total TDEE but I couldn’t pull apart what was steps/activity and what was just its assumptions of my BMR. Even when it did sync it would add calories when I forgot it at home or something and the device itself didn’t even move. So I didn’t know what was from movement…
  • Same! My shifts vary but with my commute my earliest shift needs me up by 5:30am.
  • Today was a little bit better! I had a lot of trouble getting out of bed and I seriously considered holing up and just eating and watching Netflix all day. But I got out and I did 2 tasks - one was finally getting to the gym (just got my membership back and I went swimming!). Then I saw my SO. I’ve also been trying to…
  • I don’t try to go to the gym with migraines. I get nausea so I usually grab gravol and a cool towel and listen to podcasts in darkness. But I will mention estrogen birth control can cause migraines and I’ve barely had any since I went off of it. I hadn’t even considered it as a possibility!
  • Thank you all for sharing ❤️ right now it isn’t too cold yet, still about 5C. Just chilly. What’s getting to me I think is the darkness. It’s dark at about 4pm and typically fairly dark and gloomy grey all day long. I feel chilled and cold but it’s not freezing yet. I know it’s coming though!
  • I’ve been unintentionally maintaining for about a month, and I’m thinking I may try to intentionally maintain. If I can stay within 5lbs of my current low weight id consider that a win. I’ve lost about 45 and have 35 left to go. It’s getting so much harder to care and be critical. I feel sad and tired and I just want to…
  • I think it’s likely erroneous to say there always has to be a reason that’s mental. Sometimes it can simply be a lack of knowledge around food preparation, matching the intake of someone taller than you that’s a close family member, being less active and eating the same, etc. None of those are mental. But my personal…