kirza125 Member


  • I was at 195 At 9months. Gained 50 pounds from pre-baby weight but only lost 17lbs when baby was born
  • I never want to go to the gym, I'm so sleepy tired all the time. I know exactly what you're talking about. It helps me going every other day instead of 3 days in a row.
  • Wow 40 lbs is a huge step up. Keep it up and soon you'll reach your goal and will never look back. quote="enterdanger;32766203"]I've lost 40lbs on here since my second baby, but I was fat before pregnancy. I've still got another 40 to go[/quote]
  • Gym is going great, started with 2 days a week. This week i did 3 and next i'll do 4 days a week. Slowly but surely.
  • Woohooo! Way to go!! I have my first weigh in wednesday hopefully I've lost some. How often do you weigh yourself? I'm thinking of weighing myself once a week. My husband says i'm crazy but i think everyone looks at me and thinks, "oh my she let herself go". I don't even want people to see me. I'm about to hit the gym…
  • I was 145 and went all the way to 195 during my last month of pregnancy. I only lost 17lbs after baby so now I'm at 178. Which is shocking for me. The most i've ever weight in my life. I'm also walking/running 2-3miles 2-4times a week. I plan to increase my workout goals as i get more fit. Right now i feel so heavy, like i…
  • I just started my diet and exercise after my 6wk check up too. I have to be honest though, I did not take care of myself during my pregnancy that is why I gained so much weight. Now on to this journey to loosing all this weight. Hopefully my old clothes fits again.