brittymo433 Member


  • Hey girl! I just graduated from College and that's where I started gaining all my weight was about the time I was a freshmen. But you can totally avoid the freshmen 15!! I just found out I have PCOS and I was so frustrated bc if I would have known I could have done things differently! My doctor recommended a low carb diet…
  • Hey Ladies! My name is Brittany and I am 22 from Ohio. I am newly diagnosed with PCOS. It's a scary thing to hear but reading all of your posts is making me feel better and more confident that I too can lose the weight. I need to lose about 80 lbs..I love the motivation and support! We all can do it together! Add me (:
  • Hey ladies! I just got diagnosed as well. I'm 22 from Ohio! I am glad there are others going through the same things! Feel free to add me. I am new to this app as well! My doctor told me low carb diet and exercise so we shall see what happens! (: