Im on 1012 but want to up it so can do at least 2500. My bench is 264lbs, deadlift is 396lbs and squat is 352lbs. But this year could be the year.
I highly recommend strength training because its a great fat burner then if you wanna do cardio afterwards then maybe do 45 mins of tradmill walk incline at 15% and 3 kmh. Hope that helps
Have a picture up on a cupboard or on the fridge of you at your biggest and then one of your progress to date under the one of you at your biggest have the question do i want to be this big ever again.
I dont see the workout anywhere can you show us the exercises and reps and sets for them please.
We were taught on my course that sedentary was sitting job with no exercise and lightly active was sedentary job but do active exercise for at least a hour a day.
I am currently on 120kg/264lbs for 4 reps
Cornwall here
Wow thank you so much for sharing your story. It really has helped me. Im more determined now. Your truly inspiring.