It's been a whole week now!! I'm feeling much better. My diets exactly the same but after a few words with my pt i feel more educated about why I'm eating what i am. And why its important to eat them.
My calorie intake will increase in order to do a lean bulk. I'm only on the diet to reduce my body fat %. My overall goal is hypertrophy. I'm aware i wont be making massive gains atm because of my diet.
This current diet is only for 3 weeks. I will then change the diet again once ive got my body fat down to a number im much happier with. My goal is to look lean. Once i'm lean i will then try to add on size whilst retaining the same level of body fat. The transformation is merely a challenge for myself to push myself to…
Thank you. Its a struggle, I love carbs!! But I will carry on trying
I'm only 300 calories in deficite. Its nothing extremley major i'm just used to snacking throughout the day. I feel much better today after not binging. My body holds onto carbs hence why i have no carbs in my diet, as it seems to be the one thing that stops me from getting lean.
Sorry for the all grammar mistakes. I'm actually very good at spelling and writing i'm blaming it on the fact i'm tired :')
He'a a very good PT amd i dont doubt the diet plan. But i do doubt whether its right for me. See the thing is Im so ready to follow a meal plan. Im ready to transform my body but i didnt realise i would struggle with the lack of food and energy so early on. I'm resisting the urge to binge but im the one edge
I'm on a fat loss diet as provided by my PT. i should be consuming 1350 calories a day and no more. I'm eating super clean. Which means no cheats whats so ever. I'm eating very little carbs, infact my only carb intake is a kiwi and half an avocado. My energy levels are super low. The only reason im fancying treats is…
Thank you all, will start switching up my diet plan as of monday and see how things go. It's easier to learn from other peoples lessons than go through it yourself. So I'll and not to be dishearten by my body fat increasing x
Such a fair point. I'm trying not to believe that I can't be lean the whole time. But i've gotta face reality and understand that getter bigger doesn't necessarily mean fatter
My goal is to increase my overall muscle whilst remaining fairly lean if not leaner. So i do have to eat very lean meat. Although i will definitely consider adding salmon to my diet and fruit to my shakes etc. Thank you
I missed out a banana and 0% total fage yoghurt. I consume a lot of oats 50g + 30g flaxseed. If i listed all the grams etc it takes me to just about 2500
Thanks for the advice guys. Mentally battling with the idea of getting fat is extremely difficult. I've always been fairly lean so even a slight increase in weight/body fat freaks me out. I'll try splitting my meals in to 4. Thanks guys :) xx
I have the same 3 meals everyday. For breakfast i have 2 whole eggs and 2 extra whites. With a shake of oats, flaxseed and protein. A protein shake in between breakfast and lunch with 40g of almonds. 1pm 300g sweet potato and 200g chicken. Then 4.30 a protein shake (pre workout) 6.30 protein shake and a banana (post…