Clo747 Member


  • Kill la kill, the much derided Bleach... I enjoyed it but the Eisen arc was clearly the best..., Gintama, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Another is amazingly creepy and quite.. Maybe you haven't seen one of these? All really good!
  • May have to invest in the new Fatal Frame! That game used to scare the ever loving shizz outta me!
  • Oooh, you went way over my head there! lol I bought a Wii U for my kids for xmas; and in readiness for the new Zelda game...c'mon, Miyamoto, pull it together!... I've never played Portal, but is that the one where the machine that's helping you goes mad...? And is Fatal Frame a game about taking pictures of ghosts? Because…
  • Snap! Lol...ahhh, the internet is a fun place...
  • Wow! Amazing! I bet you feel so proud of all your hard work! Great to be able to see how far you've come!
  • @gam3rguy Yeah, it does. Kinda puzzle like with some boss fights at the end. I've only done the first level so far, but it was a clever little bit to the game. I prefer it to the multiplayer parts, too. That seems to be hubby's domain.
  • I ripped my very favourite jeans with my fat butt! Those jeans had been getting tighter and tighter. I ignored and squeezed into them anyway. Then one day...riiiiiiiiiiip! No bueno.
  • My husband is addicted to Splatoon right now! Its a super cool game! How are enjoying Ore Monogatari? Its not a style I usually go for, but I thought the first episode I watched had promise to be something I would enjoy...
  • Ooh, you're very good! I remember HATING 3 with a fiery passion! Lol! But plank ups are not my friend... Well done! Skipped cardio for a power walk, but back on it tomorrow. My last 1 & 2 before moving on next week. Nervous!
  • @Monklady123 Okay, totally off topic, but how cute is your dog?! That can be my next post. How cute is Monklady123's dog? Off the charts cute!
  • Lol...yeah... They're half naked. A lot. I enjoyed the tongue in cheek way it was done, though. And the characters were brill.
  • Yes! I'm avoiding all these things for the moment because I really can't contain myself.
  • Pushups are the bane of my life! Can only do a few before I've got to go to the knees (that was unintentionally dirty sounding), but its good to know that sort of thing might qualify as "heavy". By the sounds, I'm not lifting heavy, but should be doing enough with my deficit to retain the muscle I have while burning off…
  • 190, looking to maybe hit 150? Still not sure. Less jiggle will do for now!
  • I have no idea how I managed that...sorry! :# Will repost: But not no efficacy, right? I'm not doing Shred, but the movesets are pretty similar, I think. I'd like to avoid the skinny fat if at all possible. And I am using weights, but I guess, at that weight, they're only really having a bigger impact on my upper body and…
  • Cheeky. Yes, I sorta reckoned it was gonna be that pesky "time and patience" malarky. Hopefully the resistance and weight training I'm doing now will bear fruit once the weight comes off. I'll probably be able to make a more informed decision then about what I'd like to do going forward. Really appreciate all the…
  • Thank you everyone! I think heavy is beyond my remit, at the moment. I don't have access to heavy. Maybe an investment for the future. I've never really lifted "heavy", but much prefer strength type exercises to out and out cardio, so might be something for me down the line... x
  • Love my anime! Currently watching Gintama, Shokugeki no Soma (which I'm honestly not loving), and trying out Ore Monogatari. My faves are Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Kill la Kill, Another...this list is getting too long so I'm gonna stop. :smiley:
  • Oh, I'm so pleased to have read this! It'll take some of the extra pressure off that I was putting on myself for not hitting or over stepping on things. I keep finding I go over on fat, but I eat lots of avocado and oily fish on those days, so that's kinda alright, right? lol Oh idea what I'm doing!
  • @SezxyStef That sounds like what I've been doing since having that day of 600 some odd cals net. I guess I'm just a bit concerned about going too far the other way and overestimating calorie burn. Especially as people are saying the Fitbit maybe isn't all that accurate. I do change the estimated burn from my workout. I do…
    in CICO or Net? Comment by Clo747 June 2015
  • @editorgrrl My accounts are connected and I did enable negative calorie adjustments because you'd recommended that to someone else on another thread I was reading... I've never been told about logging exercise in Fitbit, though. Why is that?
    in CICO or Net? Comment by Clo747 June 2015
  • Quick followup, so is my fitbit also overestimating calories burned?
    in CICO or Net? Comment by Clo747 June 2015
  • Very helpful! Thank you both! x
    in CICO or Net? Comment by Clo747 June 2015
  • Planning ahead is always good! I hope to be deep into Phase 2 by then, but we'll all be getting our butts kicked by Jillian! Best of luck! X
  • @Audra135 Its just a challenge to hit 10,000 steps or 5 miles everyday (or in my case, every week day; weekends are MINE)! Just a little extra effort to be less sedentary. :)
  • Your legs are lovely, imo. But the true test is, if you feel comfortable, then wear the heck outta your shorts! I completely agree that all the people you think are looking at you, won't really give it a second though and are far more concerned with how THEY look to you; which, of course, you're not even giving a second…
  • Oh no! Don't remind me @BigBigBertha! I'm still cocooned in the warmth and safety of weeks 1 & 2! Finding it difficult to get that second Cardio in on the weekend, though... Well done, you, for getting it done! x
  • I loved my Ocado shop! We don't drive, so ordering online was kind of a must for a big haul and their grocery website CANNOT be beaten! They have so many different things that you might not see in a smaller store. However, hubby works at Sainsbury's and we're saving up for a holiday and his discount has really come in…
  • American expat in Essex