mrsboyce79 Member


  • Hello!!! 'waves' Can someone add me too?? i'm on day 4 of tracking again! haven't tracked for over 4 years! I have 2 boys 4 and 2, I try to eat the same as the family as 1) its too much effort to make more than one dinner with everything else I have to do 2) its cheaper 3) I don't want my children to associate me with…
  • by the way congrats on getting of the meds. I've been exercising religiously since last July, and thought I was doing good. went for a check 5 weeks ago and my bp was sky high! doc banned me from the gym (I do a lot of lifting). I've had a 24hour monitor to check it and got another one booked in a couple of weeks after…
  • hell to leather?
  • I'm new to flexible dieting can I be your friend please so I can follow your progress?
  • Hey, I'm new to flexible dieting. I'm on day 2! Can I friend you so I can see if I'm getting it right?!!