KaylaNorris Member


  • Does anyone drink coke zero,sprite zero or anything like that? Will it throw my ketosis off ? Ive read some people say they did and its a myth and other studies say its true. I mean it is zero carbs and calrories .
  • Is there a certain way i should eat everyday, like does it matter what i eat as long as its low in carbs? Im on day 3 and i usually keep it under 30g. I eat thinks like lettuce, spinich, eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese, chicken,turkey, broccoli, and certain sauces, butter, olive oil and dressings. Thats about majority of what…
  • What are some good foods to eat to put me in ketosis and how will i know?
  • Im working on it! I love eggs and chicken, salad, stuff a long that line. So it isn't so bad, just giving up my soda and pasta, but i did find a recipe to make pasta from cheese!
  • Im on day 3, it is easy to maintain and be full. It is jjst mainly cutting sugar,bread and startchs out . Startchs are my hardest , i love pasta. I have found super good keto recipies. I maintain my protein and keep my varbs under 50 and sometimes i don't even eat all 50. Im a veggie,cheese and meat lover anyways. So it…