kidd_xdk Member


  • Part of me is totally into this. It's about an 18 minute walk round trip to my nearest grocery store. There's also a gas station right across the street, so whenever I have a "snack attack" (I don't keep snacks in my apartment on purpose) I make myself walk. So I know it's totally doable, buuuut another part of me isn't…
  • I'm 5'3" and 192 :/. My ultimate goal would be 125ish. Although my current goal is to get to the 170s. I have a chronic illness so I'm not able to work out as hard as I used to, so I'm slowly figuring out new ways to lose and trying to find less intensive workouts. Anyone who has a fitbit can add me, my email is…
  • I use raw Stevia when I can, but I prefer regular sugar for most things.
  • There are too many replies for me to go through, but I know for me cutting out processed foods helped tremendously. I have intracranial hypertension and one thing that "triggers" an increase in pressure is sodium-which is obviously a big part of processed foods. I recently left a job that made me kind of rely on processed…
  • Thank you all for the advice. My last job was at a nursing home (im a nurse), And although I did a lot of running around, it wreaked havoc on my body because I constantly had to skip breaks and frequently worked 10+ hours. I also suffer from chronic fatigue and pain due to my chronic illness, so the combination meant I ate…