So interesting! I was diagnosed with PCOS five years ago, and it's a journey, for sure. What's the masculine equivalent?
Diet coke is a migraine trigger for me - diet sodas in general, in fact. It's the phenylalanine, which I learned over a long, stubborn, painful period of trial and error, before eventually being forced to give up the beloved soda habit by my stupid migraine-prone body. Some people are just sensitive to it, and you can…
Me: 6* - LNS: 3
Me: 5* - LNS: 3
Me: 4* - LNS: 3 It's a fairly even battle, but I've always got the upper hand. Even when that means my hand's up in the fridge reaching for the chocolate at 10pm. Oh well; keep calm and retain impulse control for the new day!
Me: 3 - LNS: 0 This might be the longest I've ever gone without saying 'screw it' and munching away anyway, actually.
Tally one up for the Kiwis! Me: 1 - LNS: 0
I'm in. I know it's not a matter of impossibility, but it sure feels impossible to stop sometimes - this is a great idea to help. Accountability!
Mmm, looks fantastic! I eat a lot of shirataki noodles, but have yet to figure out how to make them work well in soups. Do you have any tips or tricks you'd be willing to share?
Caffeine is a known appetite suppressant! I also love coffee, and drink between two and four cups every weekday (and usually at least two over the weekend). However, there have been studies which suggest a link between >five cups/day and various problems, including stalling weight loss - and since I'm already at risk for…