valerietruegrit Member


  • Hope this works. WHOO HOO I hit the edit thing and it worked! I was concerned. I read all the previous posts here to catch up. If I am understanding correctly my posts will be here forever or at least until a major solar flare takes down the grid; but, this vip (very important post) would probably still be resurrected. Or…
  • How can I get here quickly vs looking down recent posts/discussion board lists? I am going to try taking of the last two things of(#latest) on the address above and see how that works. I also just star bkmrked. this site and clicked on "mark catagory viewed" under the account options above.
  • Ken, enjoying your graphic inputs. Thanks for the smiles! Is there an easy way to put pics from the net in?
  • Hi everybody! Found you! It took some doing for sure. I went to nutribuddies thru the quick link on someones post on the NS discussion boards - I tried to join but got nothing in return unless maybe there is a day(s) wait? Went back a couple of more times to the old NS boards - said you were under motivation and support -…