aliciamanior Member


  • Hi!
  • Thanks a lot I really appreciate it!!
  • I'm going to try and do that!!:) It's hard though, as you can see in the pic a few pounds makes a huge difference in the way my shirts fit. I've even had people ask if I was pregnant. It just hurts.
  • Okay thanks. I tend to hold it all around my tummy I have a pic in my phone that I will try to upload in a few so you guys can see what I'm talking about. I'm 5'3-5'4 so a few pounds and a couple of inches makes a huge difference on my frame.
  • Ok maybe I should have not said 5-8. 5 is my goal for July 5th. (129) I would love it if I dropped 8 pounds but if it is not safe than I don't want to do it. Is 5 pounds too much in 17 days?
  • Oh I forgot to mention that I also have problems with my bowels. I had one on Saturday and not again until last night. Maybe that had something to do with it. (4lbs)
  • Thanks a lot! yeah the homemade are from the database. That's why I quit logging in my food. I felt like I was spending too much time trying to find the food I was looking for.
  • check out may 28 through June 8. that's a good picture of what I normally eat. Aslo I actually jogeed for35 mins that day but on the treadmill it said I only burned 200 calories so I tried to make my diary match my calories in stead of my actual time if that makes sence. the search doesn't give you a good variety for…
  • I'm sorry what does that mean exactly?
  • Done.
  • sure let me figure out how lol (newbie)
  • yes mam! 1200 calories a day.
  • 128-129 is my short term goal. After vacation I plan to continue and get down to 120 once and for all! I'm sick of struggling with this. It always happens after I have a kid lol. My husband and I have 3 boys and my youngest is 2 and I've just been uncomfortable every since his birth.
  • Well I started trying to lose weight about 8 weeks ago. I quit birth control, I started drinking water, I quit sodas and caffeine. I work out 3 times a week the first 3 weeks and was able to lose 10 pounds. probably all water weight. Well I've been stuck at that weight for about 4 weeks now. Then on Monday I stepped on the…