ineedthis228 Member


  • I've lost tons of weight before and kept it off but this time I just can't get it and I heard about this app and so far I like it a lot because I don't know people trying to lose weight let alone 80lbs so it's hard trying to do it alone
  • I'm truly an addict when it comes to food. I will eat so much I throw up and eat more. I can't have just one cheat day it's like giving an alcoholic a drink. Which is why I say my family is sabotaging I've asked for their help I've told them it's a problem and all they say is well you need to have cheat days? you want this…
  • Yeah I'm terrible at maintaining. I truly love to eat and it's always junk food. Every time I start doing well I get sabotaged sometimes by myself but mostly by my family and then they talk bad about my weight when they're sabotaging.