lfod308 Member


  • I’ve been on here for years losing and regaining weight. I went vegan 2 months ago and it changed my life. My pulse and blood pressure dropped so much that my doctor severely reduced my blood pressure medication. Arthritis in my hands are gone as well as my back pain (unless I’m hiking). The weight is starting to come off…
  • Hi Sarah! I'd be happy to motivate you. Been on and off here for years. Now I'm back as a lifer. Lol. I'm sticking around for the support after I lose the weight too. Good luck!
    in Repeat Comment by lfod308 March 2016
  • I sent you a friend request. I'm very active here and stay in contact with all my friends.
  • Good morning Kmancine. I sent you a friend request. I'd be happy to be your friend as you seek to improve your health! Keep seeking a good group of upbeat friends here and you can get strength from their energy. I'm losing weight and feel great because of all the support I get here. Good luck!
  • Welcome back! I sent you a friend request. Get ready to lose the weight.
    in Hey guys! Comment by lfod308 March 2016
  • Xironrules is spot on! I had to completely eliminate junk food in my diet because a little junk in my diet always kept the taste for it in my body. Eat a lot of healthy fats. Olives, avocados, coconut oil, and fatty fish and meats.
  • I've considered IF after read many articles on mercola.com. Might try it sometime but 3 meals a day full of healthy fat with no junk food is working for me. I'm losing weight and feel great. I'm so satisfied that I have to make myself eat the minimum calories. Good luck.
  • I sent you a friend request Motorcycle! I'd be happy to support you as your seeking better health. Surround yourself with upbeat friends here and you can't fail. Good luck!
  • I sent you a friend request SCmomma! I've been on and off here for a couple of years losing a lot of weight only to gain most back. I'm back and committed to be a lifer this time. Lol even after I lose the weight I'll have to count calories and stay active in the community. Good luck!
  • I sent you a friend request Annie. I need to lose a lot of weight and I'm very active on her. Stock up on a bunch of upbeat friends here and you can't fail! Good luck.
  • I'm having the same problem. High healthy fat foods work for me. Olives, avocados, and nuts. Good luck.
  • Welcome Fitamore! This community is filled with positive good people to support your goals. I'm finding that as I correct my weight and health, other problem points in my life are correcting as well. Welcome to the path of happiness. Good luck.
  • Good morning Ed. Great group of friends here to help you reach your goals. Good luck!
  • Welcome Pedro! The calorie counting works great and there is a great group of friends here to support you. Good Luck.
    in Hi Comment by lfod308 March 2016
  • Welcome aboard Blong! I sent you a friend request. There is a great group of friends here to motivate and support you. Good luck!
  • Welcome Daniel! I sent you a friend request. You have a lot of positive friends here to support you. Good luck!
  • You have a lot of friends here. There is so many kind positive good people here to support you. Surround yourself with positive energy and you will feel the power. I know good things are coming your way!
    in 70 pounds Comment by lfod308 March 2016
  • I'm a stress eater too. Fast food is my down fall. I try to eat no fast food at all because I'm addicted to it. Since I've adopted a relatively high good fat diet I feel fantastic and have zero hunger with a lot of energy. Feel free to friend me and you can see my bad diet going back 2 years and my new diet now. Good luck.
  • Great job so far! I'll happily friend you. Look forward to watching you reach your goal.
  • I'll friend you. We all go through that fight. I'm pretty good lately but I do log my bad days. My dairy goes back a year and some are embarrassing!
  • I have a fairly clean diet with open diary. Feel free to friend me. Always the fight between money and quality. I'm high fat, moderate protein, and low carb. Good luck.
  • Hi Tara. I just added you. I can't wait to see you make your goal!
    in Add me! Comment by lfod308 March 2016
  • I just added you Debbie. I'm in the same boat as you. I used this community to lose a lot of weight and then fell of the boat. I'm back for good now. I like as many friends that are striving to improve themselves as I can get. Will power builds will power. Good luck!
  • The fat is where the flavor is and will satisfy your hunger longer so you eat less.
  • Poison in the food supply. Fluoride, gmo, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, antibiotics, gluten, dyes, chemicals, drugs, and removal of iodine from salt. Doctors in bed with the drug companies. Plastics and bha destroying your thyroid. Monsanto roundup on your food. Government dietary guides that will make you fat sick…
  • High protein diets are hard on your body similar to high carb. I eat high fat, moderate protein, and low carb. I feel great! I'm not eating much and no lack of energy or hunger. High fat fish, meat, avocados (they have high carb too), olives, and nuts. I can only tell you what works for me. Good luck.
  • Hi Cynthia. The calorie counting part of the app combined with the support here makes it impossible to fail if you stick with it. I try to focus on how much better I feel eating right rather than losing the weight. I love fast food but feel tired and weak after eating it. I know you will succeed.
  • I can and have lost the weight several times before. But keeping it off is what I need to work on. Changing my mindset about food helped but I need to count calories and check the scale the rest of my life. I feel great so it's worth it! Eating is such a small part of our day but how we feel after those choices last 24…
  • I just add you. I'm formerly one of the members you where talking about but really want to engage the community to support everyone as we seek health. I've lost 50 and gained 30 back during stressful times. I get strength from the messages from people trying to improve themselves just like me.
  • I struggle with the same problem. I eat very well with few cravings until I'm under stress and then I eat junk food like fast food. Like a addict I have to struggle to stop eating that junk food all over again. Funny part is when I eat well I feel GREAT! Why do I crave foods that make my feel bad? This app and community…