AlixStark Member


  • I'm sorry to hear about your little girl. That must be really hard. My sister was very picky when she was young and would also prefer to starve. Noodles with butter were big in our house - you can use margarine to avoid the dairy issue, and fun shapes can make it more appetizing. Kraft Mac & Cheese have character noodles…
  • Initially, A Link to the Past. I wasn't very good at it, and I couldn't get past the second temple, but I loved it so much I kept restarting it and playing up to the second temple, then quitting and starting again. When I turned 12 or 13 I became much "too cool" for video games, so I didn't play them again until my…
  • Ahh memories! Super Mario RPG was the first turn-based RPG I ever played. I must have beat it 10+ times as a kid. Such a good game. My daughter is only 5 months old so my issue right now is finding time to play more than what I'm playing, but when she's older I'll absolutely pay attention to the ESRB rating. It's the…
  • It makes me happy when people donate blood. They do drives at my work 6 times a year, and people still don't go. It's paid time away from your desk, free cookies, and saving lives. Doesn't get much more awesome than that. I don't log the blood regen burn or the cookie I eat afterwards to get my sugar back up. I figure it's…