candigurl322 Member


  • I've see the smart water, but haven't tried it. Will definitely give it a go. I will also talk with my primary doc on my next visit about my "issues" just to rule out anything serious. Thanks!!
  • Very good suggestions from everyone!! Thanks for the insight, at least I know I'm not the only one with this issue. Just wanted some suggestions that maybe I hadn't already considered. Thanks again
  • Yes, I have my restrooms mapped out in the areas I'm traveling in. That does help, I guess I just find myself getting frustrated at my body for not being able to, well, "hold it in better." I think maybe increasing my water gradually may be the best option to allow my body time to adjust.
  • I do, quite often actually lol. Some I won't, but the majority are clean and safe. Often have to drive 30 mins to an hour between visits, which is the problem. :#