alicia89ruiz Member


  • Thank you so much! I was on the fence today about a shake thing and probably would have bought it tonight and then I saw this. I took some baby steps today and chugged out 4.34 miles on the elliptical. It wasn't much, but it was a start.
    in Comment by alicia89ruiz June 2015
  • You're right. It won't change anything. But it will help me to verbalize my disappointment...maybe that will help me to hold myself accountable
    in Comment by alicia89ruiz June 2015
  • What is TDEE? I think that's my problem. I grew up with "skinny" family. I was the fat one, and I believed it. Sadly I didn't get "fat" until after I grew up and moved away. The mindset never left and I accepted it. Now it's horrible. I tell myself it's okay, you don't look it, that's what everyone says but I FEEL it: that…
    in Comment by alicia89ruiz June 2015
  • Cry. Scream. Get mad. And try to take my life back. I just bought a Fitbit and I've been watching how many steps I take daily. Not that many at all. Going to try to double it daily. Got a gym membership. Going to make myself go at least 4 times a week. Walk it out for now, get steps in and seriously start tracking my food.…
    in Comment by alicia89ruiz June 2015
  • I too struggled with my weight all my life. My mother (after having four kids) weighs 110. Growing up I was always heavy but never overweight or obese, but she sure made me feel that way. I eventually let that become my mindset. I am 26 now and even more unhappier with my weight. It only gets worse. I started to lose…
  • Way to go! That's amazing! Seriously! I am trying to get the motivation to do this, and I think I may have just found it in you. Is this really all you did? I have tried EVERYTHING except surgery (which is NOT an option) and I have failed over and over and over. I have a gym membership which I have had on hold for a year…
  • I'd love the same thing! I am willing to help! :) If anyone wants to help me too, I'd help back! Trying to do this once and for myself. It's gotten o the point that it's ridiculous.