
i quit everything I start. I use excuse after excuse. I weighed in at 226 this morning at my doctors appointment. I'm so beyond disgusted I could scream.


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Screaming isn't going to fix anything. Self discipline will.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    So what you going to do about it OP?
  • pznatti
    pznatti Posts: 51 Member
    So don't quit this time. I've been starting and stopping for a while now and have gotten really interested in doing this right and doing it slowly. What is helping me start again - and start strongly - is looking at pics of people who take their time... There's a woman named Amber who has a blog called Go Kaleo and when I saw that her transformation took about 2 years I realized I need to stop looking for a quick fix... It makes me quick to quit when I don't see instant success.

    So my suggestion... Look into going slow to win. Find your TDEE and take away about 20% which is way more calories than the 1200-1300 that I absolutely cannot do well...

    Keep trying friend...
  • alicia89ruiz
    alicia89ruiz Posts: 9 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    So what you going to do about it OP?

    Cry. Scream. Get mad. And try to take my life back. I just bought a Fitbit and I've been watching how many steps I take daily. Not that many at all. Going to try to double it daily. Got a gym membership. Going to make myself go at least 4 times a week. Walk it out for now, get steps in and seriously start tracking my food. That's my problem. I like food. So if it goes in my mouth it goes in MFP.
  • alicia89ruiz
    alicia89ruiz Posts: 9 Member
    pznatti wrote: »
    So don't quit this time. I've been starting and stopping for a while now and have gotten really interested in doing this right and doing it slowly. What is helping me start again - and start strongly - is looking at pics of people who take their time... There's a woman named Amber who has a blog called Go Kaleo and when I saw that her transformation took about 2 years I realized I need to stop looking for a quick fix... It makes me quick to quit when I don't see instant success.

    So my suggestion... Look into going slow to win. Find your TDEE and take away about 20% which is way more calories than the 1200-1300 that I absolutely cannot do well...

    Keep trying friend...

    What is TDEE?

    I think that's my problem. I grew up with "skinny" family. I was the fat one, and I believed it. Sadly I didn't get "fat" until after I grew up and moved away. The mindset never left and I accepted it. Now it's horrible. I tell myself it's okay, you don't look it, that's what everyone says but I FEEL it: that should count.

    I'm at a wonderful place in my life for the most part, I've been accepted into nursing school, my husband is amazing and wonderful, we just bought land in MS...but all of that is overshadowed by how I FEEL about my weight.

    This is horrible. It cannot continue.
  • alicia89ruiz
    alicia89ruiz Posts: 9 Member
    Screaming isn't going to fix anything. Self discipline will.

    You're right. It won't change anything. But it will help me to verbalize my disappointment...maybe that will help me to hold myself accountable
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    So what you going to do about it OP?

    Cry. Scream. Get mad. And try to take my life back. I just bought a Fitbit and I've been watching how many steps I take daily. Not that many at all. Going to try to double it daily. Got a gym membership. Going to make myself go at least 4 times a week. Walk it out for now, get steps in and seriously start tracking my food. That's my problem. I like food. So if it goes in my mouth it goes in MFP.

    Sounds like you have a good plan to take your life back. My advice is stay consistent.
  • pznatti
    pznatti Posts: 51 Member
    Just remember it won't happen over night...

    I'm on stage one of the lifting program set out in New Rules of Lifting for Women and am loving it.

    You sound like you have a good plan... So start and be patient. You've got this...
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    tdee is total daily energy expenditure. It's how many calories you use in a day BMR basal metabolic rate is how much your body would burn if you sat on a couch all day. You can google calculators that will help you figure out each. I try to eat below my BMR but I'm disabled. Sometimes that workout isn't going to happen. You can change your weight but it's going to be a life long job. I'm almost a month in on my latest and last try and I feel so much better than I ever have before.
  • defatify
    defatify Posts: 41 Member
    Go Kaleo is great! I love Disrupt Your Diet too. All you really need, physiologically to lose weight in a healthy way is a calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories a day. That's 1-2 pounds a week. You can lose weight comfortably by sticking to around 1500 calories or so (talk to your doctor about this number) and by being more active. You're already in mfp so use the tools here to keep your eating habits in check. If you binge or have otherwise disordered eating see a therapist. For help planning a proper diet, see a registered dietician. There are plenty of YouTube videos of beginner workouts, or you can just walk. You don't need shakes, wraps, pills, low carb, gluten free, paleo, organic, "clean" BS to lose weight. It doesn't have to cost any money. Just take an honest look at your habits and start making changes you can stick to.
  • alicia89ruiz
    alicia89ruiz Posts: 9 Member
    defatify wrote: »
    Go Kaleo is great! I love Disrupt Your Diet too. All you really need, physiologically to lose weight in a healthy way is a calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories a day. That's 1-2 pounds a week. You can lose weight comfortably by sticking to around 1500 calories or so (talk to your doctor about this number) and by being more active. You're already in mfp so use the tools here to keep your eating habits in check. If you binge or have otherwise disordered eating see a therapist. For help planning a proper diet, see a registered dietician. There are plenty of YouTube videos of beginner workouts, or you can just walk. You don't need shakes, wraps, pills, low carb, gluten free, paleo, organic, "clean" BS to lose weight. It doesn't have to cost any money. Just take an honest look at your habits and start making changes you can stick to.

    Thank you so much! I was on the fence today about a shake thing and probably would have bought it tonight and then I saw this. I took some baby steps today and chugged out 4.34 miles on the elliptical. It wasn't much, but it was a start.