Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community: Fitness and Exercise
The Fitness and Exercise section is here for members to is to share fitness tips and exercise suggestions with other MyFitnessPal members. Kindly ensure your posts are placed in the most suitable forum category to keep discussions organized. Off-topic posts may be moved to the appropriate section or, in some cases,…
Most Helpful Posts - Fitness and Exercise (Must Reads)
These are posts that have been recommended by our community members for fitness and exercise. * So you want to start running * So you want to start lifting? Great! * I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym * HIIT vs. Steady State vs. Aerobic Intervals - which is best? * Which Lifting Program is Best for You? *…
What Was Your Work Out Today?
I am often going on to Instagram to get work out ideas, as I follow a few trainers who post videos. I work out 5-6 days a week and like to mix it up & try new things. I thought I would start a discussion and have people post their work outs. Maybe give each other some good ideas! If I stick with the same thing over and…
Cathe Fans Part 5
https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/167733/cathe-fans-part-4#latest New page!!! Link to the old page is above.
Hevy app for tracking strength training
I tried three apps, and really all of them were pretty good, I was impressed. Alpha Progression Fitbod Hevy Two things I considered: how does the app work with my current health and fitness stuff like gear (Iphone/Android) and syncing with my health apps (MFP/Strava, etc.) Secondly, do I want simplicity to track whatever I…
"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!
Welcome to the Tough Love Fitness Club or otherwise known as the TLFC! This is a SERIOUS club where members have chosen exercise to help with weight loss and eventually use it as maintenance to keep the weight off. I expect a certain format of posting so that it is easier for me to go over your workout and assess if you…
Exercises not recording on the app
Hi There! I've been trying to add exercise into my daily diary but it doesn't allow them. For example, I did a set of 12 shoulder press at 25, these uploaded. I then ultried to add 2 sets of 12 shoulder press at 37.5 but they're not saving to the diary. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is? Thanks
Avoid scales entirely and just focus on measurements?
All I've done during the last 6 years of getting 6stone off (about 38kg) is lose weight but never focused on any exercise whatsoever. My TDEE works out 1700kcal per day, so if I go in a calorie deficit it's quite lower than that which I struggle with. I'm intermittent fasting so I skip breakfast and just eat a healthy…
Good beginner low intensity YouTube workouts
Hi all, I am looking for some new workout videos! While I prefer to walk outside, it is not always possible depending on the weather. So I like to have backups of things I can do indoor. I need actual beginner workouts. Not ones where they SAY it is a beginner workout but then expect you to be able to keep up for an hour…
Couch to 5K (C25K) beginners group
Anyone recently started C25K? I completed the program in 2016 and it was great. I was running 30/40 minutes 3x a week non stop for over a year after, so I know it works! Starting again after not running for years and it’s like I’ve never ran in my life. Was it this hard to start last time?😰 Just completed W1D2 today with…
So I just did something bananas...
As of today, 2 September 2024, I am 116kg, unfit, can't jog around the block. Have just started walking regularly again (I do have walking stamina), but hills are still a challenge. I just bought tickets to do a 25km trail run in outback Australia in May 2025. That's 39 weeks to go from a couch potato to someone who won't…
almost no data taken from Apple Health?
Dear community, Michael here, Premium since yesterday and a bit dellusioned: Why doesn't myfitnesspal take all sorts of data from Apple Health? it only imports steps? Health is the biotope of all my data, that's where my Apps deliver to and mfp takes only the steps from it? My burnt calories are completly wrong and I'm…
Sync issues with Samsung health
I can only track steps via health connect app or workout via Samsung health. Why workout and steps both can't tracked or synced via Samsung health
How do you add certain workouts?
I can't add pilates or my mini stepper. Can anyone tell me how to add it to my exercises log?
Where do I start?!
I really want to start weightlifting... But I have no clue where to start. I can do the machines but should I focus on one muscle group at a time? Ugh I feel so lost.
Balancing running and leg strength training for optimal performance
Hey everyone, I've been primarily a runner (15-20 miles per week) for the past few years, but I'm starting to realize my leg strength isn't where it should be. Recently tried some hill repeats and my quads were completely toast by the end. I'm curious how others balance running with leg strength training. Specifically: How…
What is a Floor Raised X exercise?
Does anyone know what a Floor Raised X is? I’m trying to do one of MyFitness Pal challenge for beginners! It’s says to do 3 sets of Floor Raised X but I can’t find what this is anywhere on the internet! If anyone knows please advise? Thank you in advance.
Which Push-Up Variation is Best for Your Goals?
Which Push-Up Variation is Best for Your Goals? Let’s Break It Down! Push-ups – one of the simplest yet most effective bodyweight exercises. They’re used in everything from strength training to rehabilitation, but did you know that your hand position can significantly change how your muscles are activated? A recent study…
Enable Negative Adjustments with Strava
I enabled Enable Negative Adjustments as per instructions and my strava walk came through as -500 calories which reduced my allowed calories for the day.. Surely this should bump my calorie intake up than penalize for being active.. Is this right?
Workout Routines - My Routines
Hi, I can see Workout Routines - My Routines on MFP on my phone app but not my laptop. Google says to look for the "more" button on top right hand corner. I can't see it what am I missing? Thanks
Calorie deficit graph?
Hello. Is there a graph accessible in MFP that illustrates my deficit trend over time? I have all my health trackers synced…ie log my intake consistently and my exercise thru Apple Watch Fitness+. Thanks!
Exercise not syncing from my fitbit
This happened all of a sudden within the last two days. Anyone knows what may be wrong?
Rebounding, can it be added to the cardio list?
I have discovered an exercise routine that I, not only can do, but enjoy. Rebounding on a small trampoline. My question is, can this be added to the cardio list?
Mi Fitness Competition Partners
I have a Redmi 5 fitness watch and I'm looking for competition partners to compete with. Anyone out there will to help out?
Exercising with torn meniscus
Does anyone know if I’m allowed to use a recumbent bike with a healing torn meniscus?
Physical Therapy
I wish there was a way to track/measure what I am doing in PT so that I could see how man, if any, calories it burned.
I am looking for workout challenges i can do during Lent are there any?
P90X - German potato soup!
Anyone on here still doing P90X? I did it about 5 times 10 years ago and wondered if people still do this as it's a little old school now.
Exercise ideas post knee surgery?
Hi, I had a menicus repair and lcl reconstruction 12wks ago and due to the nature of the injury/surgery can't do a lot of cardio yet. I can do about 15 minutes on the bike. I lift upper body and my other leg. And do my PT stuff. Anyone go through something similar? What did you do for exercise? It's like being the turtle…
What is your take on fueling the longer runs that last an hour and a half to two hours? The ones you do as part of your training, not an actual race? I've been led to believe by my running coach and everything I've seen online that no matter if it's a training run or a race you should have something past an hour and a…
Can anyone please anyone tell me why I can't connect MapMyWalk to MyFitnessPal?
MFP is not loading all steps from Android Health Connect
I've got a problem synchronizing my steps. I have configured MFP to read steps from Google Fit via "Android Health Connect" (Android smartphone), - so Google Fit is saving my activity (steps) to Android Health Connect, and MFP is reading them from there. The problem is that Google Fit is writing my steps all the time, but…