Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community: Fun and Games
The Fun and Games section is here for members to play a game or share a joke. Kindly ensure your posts are placed in the most suitable forum category to keep discussions organized. Off-topic posts may be moved to the appropriate section or, in some cases, removed. Thank you for helping us maintain a smooth and focused…
Only one to seven words...
So, the idea here is that each post has one more word than the previous post, until a post has seven words, then the next post starts over at one word. Challenging isn't it? Ah, come on... Here's an example of how it could go: * Hello * Hi there. * How YOU doin'? * Why do you ask? * I just need to know. * Well then, why…
Can you keep it going AGAIN asking ONLY QUESTIONS?
Do you think we can make this QUESTIONS ONLY thread 2.0 last past page 3,470 this time without a hitch (or glitch😜)?
Change one of 5 letters or rearrange them
Change one letter or rearrange letters to make a new word First word: hears
Song Title Game
I did this one once on another forum and it was fun! I looked but didn't see it here. Just post a title and artist that has a word in common with the previous title. Can be any song, and genre, any artist. First 2 as an example: Who Will You Run To? - Heart Take it on the Run - REO Speedwagon now you go: any title with…
Place Names - First word starts with end of previous word(s)
Examples include cities, states, countries, provinces, regions, rivers, mountains, lakes... you get the idea. Reply to the prior post with a place name whose first letter is the same as with the last letter in the prior post's place name. For example, one proper reply to 'Memphis, Tennessee' would be 'Eagle Mountain'.…
Which witch?
This game calls for two (or more) words pronounced the same way, but with different meanings. For example: Knight Night
POST AN IMAGE of how you feel today!!!!
MIXED EMOTIONS TODAY!! So you get a bunch of images!!! No, you're not getting rickrolled ^ Okay, your turn! :)
Drop a word ....Add a word.
Merry Christmas
A-Z Musical Artists/Bands
Any Genre is cool, just keep it going!!
Rock 'n' Roll Arithmetic
I thought I'd try this. Take two (or more) facts and make an equation. When you add them together you get the answer. Examples: Abba + Napoleon = Waterloo Elton John + The Wizard of Oz = Yellow Brick Road Post the addition problem without the answer. The person who answers the question earns the honor of posting the next…
Yum or Yuck
Simple game: Someone posts a food, you answer Yum or Yuck. Under your answer you put a food of your choice! Here is the first entry: Figs
drop/add 2 words - keep 1 word
Variation on the 3-word edition of drop/add a word. In this version keep one of the words from the previous post's phrase and change two of the words. Should be interesting to give the next poster a bit more freedom and see what you do with it! Have fun! So to start us off... Stay with me
Wrong answers ONLY!
In this game, answer the question provided by the person above you with a ridiculously wrong answer, then provide a question for the next poster. Question: What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?
What is the person above hiding in their closet?
The person above was arrested for...
Simple game, let’s get creative with those arrests.
True or False
Ask a true or false question. Next person answers then gives another question. Let's start :D The next person cannot swim
Musicians or Bands (Last Letter 1st)!
Lynard Skynard
Drop a word
Pain hurts
Song Titles With NAMES
Name a song and artist that has a name in the title. Isabelle - Greg Johnson .... Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Have fun.
We Broke Up Because....... part 2 .....
the old we broke up because seems to not be working.......
Acronym Game
For this game, I will start by putting together any random letters (maximum of 5 letters), and then the person below has to make up an amusing or random acronym out of it. That person will then put together random letters and the person below will make up an acronym and so on. For example: If the above poster said PZFG, my…
Love Music Games
Nice Music Challenge for the Brain! Name a verse from a song that mentions a "fruit" in it?🎼
Quote Game
Write a quote. Next person says where it is from. It can be anything but try to come back and give a hint if one gets it. (books, movies, tv, songs, philosophy) oh then give the next quote. "I never liked a girl well enough to give her twelve sharp knives"
Change one letter of the word above....
First word: FILL
Drop a word....add a word
Penicillin gold
4 letter word game (Drop a letter, add a letter)
We will start with the word SHOE. Each post, you should change just one letter to make a new word. Example if I would have started with PARK, you could type Part and then Tart, and then Fart and then Fast and then Cast...and so on. Let's see how far we can get! My word is Shop.
Love It or Hate It ?
I'll start Batman Forever
Drop a word-add a word
keep a word add a word
cookie cream
DROP a word ADD a word
Love hurts