MyFitnessPal Community Update to Rich Editor Format (3/4/2025)
As of 3/4/2025, the MyFitnessPal community forums will incorporate Rich Editor for formatting discussions and comments, replacing BBCode. This change will bring us up to date with current features, support future updates, and provide a modern, user-friendly forum experience. Why is this change necessary? Rich Editor has…
Master MyFitnessPal: Quick Tips & Features videos on YouTube
Hi all, Please feel free to check out some of our new "How To" and "MyFitnessPal features" videos on our Master MyFitnessPal: Quick Tips and Features YouTube playlist. These videos will walk you thru... How to use the progress bar, update nutrient goals, track macros, use meal scan, use your weekly digest, how to use voice…
Welcome to your Activity Feed!
Hello friends!! Today we're introducing ⭐ Activity Feeds :star: - your go-to space for sharing achievements, cheering on friends, and connecting with fellow MyFitnessPal members. What is an Activity Feed, and how do they work? Activity Feeds serve as your personalized hub within the MyFitnessPal community. It's where you…
Types of Posts in the MyFitnessPal Community
The MyFitnessPal community utilizes four types of posts; Discussions: Discussions are the default type of post in the MyFitnessPal Community. If you’re unsure what kind of Post to make, a Discussion is a safe bet. Replies to a Discussion are listed in a linear chronological post order. Ideas: Ideas are used to submit…
Meet Our Community Team
MyFitnessPal Staff: @Betty @Nova @Durden @hank @Jean @Hudson
Q&A For Everyone!
Per popular request, we've opted to turn on Q&A Discussions in every category. For more information on how Q&A discussions work, and what other types of discussions we offer in this community, please see this article.
The new message envelope icon on your screen
Hi all, You may be wondering what the envelope icon is in the corner of your screen. On the apps, click the community tab, then click on your profile image, and you'll see the envelope in the box that opens next to your notifications. Going forward, all warnings from staff or moderators will appear in that message…
Quick Links and Uploading Photos
Hi y'all! Here to help you find some of the things you might be looking for since everything has shifted locations a bit. Quick Links is your friend! On the right-hand side of your screen, you'll see this fancy new helpful set of links. You can find a quick place to jump to the groups you belong to, recent discussions,…
How to Report Inappropriate/Unwanted Friend Requests
If you have received a Friend Request from another member that has inappropriate content, photos or otherwise may be violating our community guidelines you can report that member using our new form. Members should use this form to report Inappropriate/Unwanted Friend Requests. Alternatively, for reports where you feel more…
Be Aware of Phishing Attempts
Our security team has detected some recently registered domains that could be used in a phishing attempt. Please be on the look out for phishing attempts and be sure the url is MyFitnessPal.com and not a similar one. "Phishing" is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order…
Frequently Asked Community Questions
Here are links to some of our most commonly asked FAQ's: General info* How does MyFitnessPal work? * MFP Acronyms and Terms for New Members * General Questions and Getting Started help desk articles * New Dashboard FAQ * What is included in the free version? * What are the features of MyFitnessPal Premium? * My login…
MFP Status Updates
Please check here for status updates on site and app outages.
We hope everyone has been enjoying the addition of our new positive reactions “Like”, “Awesome", "Insightful" and "Inspiring". We wanted to provide some additional clarity to the use of these new reactions. They were enabled with the intent to provide an additional positive element to the forums and should be used in a…
Flagged Content, Reported Posts, & Warning Points
As a community you have the ability to flag content that violates our Community Guidelines. 3 Different types of Flags and How to Use Them: Spam: Use this flag to report BOT style spam. If its a non-sense post with a link or one account posting a flood of oh say posts about an astrology hotline, then please use this flag…
Ignore User
How to ignore a user: 1. Find the user you'd like to ignore in a discussion. 2. Click on their username, then click on either their "Discussions" or "Comments". This will take you to their profile page. 3. Click on the person icon on the right side of your screen, then press "Ignore". 4. A box will pop up and ask for you…
Updated: Eating Disorder Resources
MyFitnessPal believes food should nourish and be enjoyed, however we acknowledge that relationships with food are not always so simple. If you are struggling with food or exercise issues or seeking help for yourself or a loved one, please check out our Eating Disorder Resources page: Eating Disorder Resources