Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community: Debate Club - Please read
The Debate Club section is here for members to have respectful discussions as it relates to contentious topics (i.e. - sugar addiction, etc.) and emerging science and nutrition policy. The main goal of this forum is to provide a specific area to have discussions on topics that are highly debated; aka hot topics. As a…
Posting in Debate
Hey all, We've noticed a lot of folks posting content in this category that doesn't belong in debate. Please feel free to report those to us, and we can move them to the correct category. To report, click "flag" then select "report". Under "reason" select "other" and just write a quick note about the topic being in the…
Influencers and conflicting recommendations
Ever notice fitness influencers will say one thing then another says the opposite? “Lift heavy” “Lift light” “100 push-ups a day are good” “100 push-ups a day are bad” What have you noticed?
Do you NEED to deadlift?
Training so many people of different age ranges in my clientele, I was asked one time by one of my older clients on why I don't have him deadlift in our program. He marvels at some of the younger ones deadlifting 315lbs + off the floor. Even girls are lifting 250lbs off the floor. I mentioned to him that based on his goals…
Crazy Marketing Claims in Ads
It seems like they'll tell us anything to sell diet/exercise programs. Would anyone like to share some? Here are a couple of recent ones I saw online (I swear I didn't make these up): and
Wait. What?
I clicked through out of curiosity. No context whatsoever. Just, change your calorie goal for a day. Your thoughts?
Which foods are worth buying organic vs. which does it not really make a difference, and why?
I know some foods have peels, shells, husks, etc. that might absorb or repel the harmful substances that are not present in organic farming. For example, white rice is 10x as expensive to buy organic. What is the benefit?
Is the Fitness community becoming toxic?
With so much media out there now, and so many influencers advocating about how they work out and how they get their results, are you finding out that some of it is becoming toxic and even dangerous? For me, many young male influencers who are jacked are using PEDs like it's nothing and get followings by young males wanting…
CDC obesity map in America - why are some geographic areas more impacted than others?
Reading today about health in America (NYE resolutions & end of year statistics and such) —I came across this CDC Adult Obesity Prevalence Map. Why are some states impacted more than others? Is it economic? Cultural? Education ? I originally thought it may be economic, with NY & California having a less prevalent obesity…
weight lifting exercises are more important to losing weight than diet
Strength training with less cardio (~30min) is a bigger influence on maintaining muscle in a calorie deficit than macros. You can have super high protein, excellent macros in a deficit and still lose muscle. The effect of diet in preserving muscle is miniscule in comparison to the lifting weight components. If you lift…
The Secret is No Secret to wight loss
Every Sunday I write an article on topics that are important to me. This Sunday it was about weight loss. So I share it here with you. I hope you find something that will help you! Sunday Musings: Pills,Pills,Pills!! I can hear the song in my head from Motley Crue.... Except I’ve changed the lyrics to my title. This whole…
The GLP-1 juggernaut is slowing. Eli Lily missed a sales target.
Eli Lilly's rare sales miss for weight-loss drug sends shares tumbling https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/eli-lilly-misses-third-quarter-profit-amid-soaring-demand-weight-loss-drug-2024-10-30/ Looks like there’s a limit to demand for GLP-1 meds.
Anything on the menu?
When I first hit the trails running on a diet I read certain items should be removed, like bread or grain items but now I understand that anything can be on the menu just so long as you control your intake. For example there was a guy named John Cisna who went on a McDonald's diet, he wrote about it in My McDonald's diet,…
no sugar or flour, food addiction?
Do you think there is food addiction? Some people say dont eat sugar or flour. That seems like a hard way to live, not ever having a cookie? They say they dont struggle. What do you think? I know I keep gaining and losing the same 5 pounds, it is still a struggle for me. I would like to not struggle but giving up sugar and…
The myth of age and weightloss?
I saw a post about being older and it being harder to lose weight and easier to gain. When you look it up it says a 20 year old man burns 10 - 15 percent more than a 50 year old all else being the same. My question... is all else the same: When i was a kid I played games and sports all day. When i was a teen I played games…
Is using a GLP-1 for Weight loss Cheating?
I haven’t been on mfp in a while but i started my health journey again after eating all of my feelings i gained over 31 pounds since November of 2023, after getting my blood work done and my cholesterol levels & hemoglobin A1c determined I was a pre-diabetic I decided to use compound tirzepatide, but I’m still doing the…
"Anything is better than being obese"?
I've seen this idea kind of floating out there. Sometime it is said outright, some times you see it in peoples choices to cut really deep in deficits....A discussion about weight lose meds made me ponder this one. I think mostly it is true. Getting thinner makes you healthier across the board and increases lifespan. Where…
Fitbit for Children Causes BodyImage Issues
So I may have bought our 5yr old a fit bit for Christmas... and close family said "well, they're going to grow up with body image issues!" Obviously not my intent. Do you agree or disagree?
Would You Wear a Bikini Even If Overweight?
I like wearing bikinis. They feel more comfortable to me than a one-piece suit, and I don't think about if or if not people are judging me. I used to weigh 200 pounds and wore a bikini, now I'm 184 and continue to wear a bikini - always, always with an underwire top because I have a large chest. Anybody with me? Do you…
Partner Sabotage
Do you think most SOs want us to look better or Do you think they want us to stay gross . ? Anyone else feel like their other is secretly trying to make them ruin their diet .
Supersize Me and Morgan Spurlock’s lies
Remember the Movie Supersize Me? I remember it vividly. I was especially impressed by Spurlock’s apparent healthy diet prior to the 30 day McDonalds stunt diet. And the medical screenings he undertook before, during, and immediately after his 30 day McDonald’s only diet. For those who haven’t seen it, the premise was that…
Marriage or not?
So I divorced after being married 24 years. Luckily for us it was mutual and finances were not an issue for either of us. I believe now that marriage licenses can trap people legally in a relationship that they may not really had thought long term about, or just did it to appease family, friends and/or to just not lose…
Weight Loss With Medications and Supplements
Having been active on MFP over the past few days, I can sense a vibrant community of individuals dedicated to improving their fitness and overall health, with a focus on weight loss. Losing weight is undoubtedly a challenging and enduring journey. It requires patience, a steady pace, and a steadfast commitment. However,…
Unpopular opinions
What unpopular/controversial opinions do you have regarding fitness/exercise/food? No BS broscience, just things that other people find harsh/do not necessarily agree with. It's better if you can back these opinions up with some sort of decent argument. I'll start, I've got a couple I wholeheartedly believe. Unpopular…
Feel Free to Add Me!
Is the disempowering and unhelpful thing here on MFP? I mean of all the disempowering and unhelpful things here on MFP is this the one with the highest volume? Maybe a should have made this a poll.
Does your doctor comment on your weight?
Has your doc ever suggested you lose weight? If so, were you offended? I asked my doc if she ever suggested people lose weight, eat better, exercise more, etc. She said that her answer would be mostly "No." When I asked her why she explained that being a doctor is a business and if she would critique each patients weight,…
Is fasting lunch instead of breakfast, a good idea?
Because I have to take pills with breakfast and dinner and sometimes I'm away from the house in the middle of the day, so maybe it'd be easier?
Time-Restricted Eating - Early Shift
Seems 99% of IF people say the are Late Shift TRE. I have yet to see a poster who is trying TRE, likes it, is going to continue on with it, and follows an early shift. The 99% will respond with "I would but," "I just can't," "My astrologer told me," etc. Where are my happy, successful, early shift TRE people?
Gym Bans “Inelegant” Women
I don’t know about you ladies, but “elegance” is the last thing on my mind when I’m getting my sweat on. Enjoy! Gym faces wrath of the ajummas for trying to ban middle-aged women June 14 2024, The Times (Sunday Times, UK) A gym in South Korea has provoked an angry reaction by banning middle-aged women, drawing attention to…
The Latest Trend is Fasting: What say you?
The idea of fasting kind of scared me because I experience low blood sugar. But since I have been eating more fiber I find my blood sugar levels allow me to go further without food or fuel. Remember those days when the experts said, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." What happened to that! Eight hours of…
School lunch programs
I’ve been looking at my child’s school lunch options and they are abysmal at best and my school system is considered one of the better ones in California. Does anyone have a school lunch program they are proud of and if not, why is this acceptable to all of us. How do we change it?
Video recording.........okay or not?
A big controversy nowadays in the gym is the use of phones recording individuals workouts. While there are some great influencers in the industry that do a great job on instruction, there are so many "influencers" out there focusing on their own workouts, but doing things like commenting on other members, being angry that…