Maelynn1990 Member


  • Thank you for the advice and friend requests everyone. Much appreciated!
  • I'm seeing a dietician at the University of Michigan. That is what she suggested. I am 5'8" and started at 334 lbs. It's embarrassing but my dietician said with that much extra weight 1000-1200 a day is what I need to do to jump start the weight loss.
  • I've been diagnosed with PCOS since I was 14 and endometriosis since I was 20. I'm 25 now. My husband and I are trying to have a baby. My doctor wants me to get my BMI down to 40 before she'll put me on any fertility meds. This will require me to lose 60 lbs from the time I last saw my doctor (3 weeks ago). She started me…
  • I have been diagnosed with PCOS since I was 14 and endometriosis since I was 20. I'm 25 now. My husband and I are trying to have a baby and my fertility specialists want me to lose 50 more lbs before they'll put me on fertility medication. I'm determined to get the weight off and keep it off. I'd love some fellow PCOS…