aersa Member


  • Thanks so much for your detailed answer! I see loads of delicious looking recipes in there. I'm definitely going to add a little more to my breakfast. And thanks to everyone who have replied, it's really great to get such great feedback from everyone! You guys really helped me out. :smile:
  • You're probably right. I'm a little impatient to lose weight because I'm going on a trip to Italy next month with a group of friends and I want to be swimsuit-ready. :smile: Thanks for the tip though - I will consider eating more calories. I didn't realised I might be eating too little because I never really feel hungry at…
  • Chia was already on my shopping list for my next trip to the store, good to know that those might help some. Thanks :smile:
  • Thanks a lot! I know that's what matters most, and I'm doing great there so that's good. :-) I've also just been really very tired since I started on this diet (almost always sleepy around 8pm, whereas I used to stay up to 11-12pm just fine) and I was just wondering if that might be because I was eating too much sugar/too…