nordlead2005 Member


  • My 5 year old child eats more than 1100 calories/day. OP obviously isn't tracking everything, which is quite common. Nothing to really be concerned about health wise. The scale doesn't lie, if they are maintaining weight they are eating more than 1200 calories and probably nutritionally fine. If the OP said they were…
  • I did 3x8@285lb yesterday. That came with 10 bodyweight, then 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with various warmup weights. So that puts me at 59 total. I do that 2-3x/week but the weight varies (typically going up).
  • Sounds like a good idea to me. Re-evaluate as you get closer. I started at 220lb (5'11") and set a goal of 175lb since that is both at the top of the normal BMI and my old college weight. As I got closer I re-evaluated and ended up getting as low as 168lb. Since then I've been up and down between 168 and 172 and I'm happy…
  • If you want indoor aerobics that is both cheap and doesn't take much (permanent) space, then get a bike trainer. There are a few different types (rim vs wheel attachment, and I think there are magnetic vs oil/impeller resistance) to choose from, but in general they fold up really tiny and the bike can go back in the garage…
  • Are you weighing your food? How often do you cheat (eat food without logging it). Odds are you are just doing a poor job tracking calories and lying to yourself. I know plenty of people personally who do just that and then wonder why they can't lose weight. A trainer may call you out for not accurately tracking intake, but…
  • If you are following SL5x5 then just keep following the program. It WILL get hard. Do the program as designed and take the early days as time to learn form, not time to wear yourself out. Yes, there are problems doing this routine on machines. Machines typically either isolate a single muscle or if they do exercise…
    in 5x5 Comment by nordlead2005 May 2016
  • You forgot to add all the water in your food. Unless everything you eat is extremely dry.
  • I drink soda or tea and eat food that contains water in it. EDIT: every once in a while I get up from my chair at work and take a drink from the water fountain, but that is only if I'm thirsty and don't have any other drinks available.
  • How much weight you lose/gain is based on how many calories you eat, not on how many days you exercise. I often exercise only 2x/week and its never stopped me from losing weight.
  • You can either go without them or you could use something like this -
  • There are plenty of resources on the internet and in books. Find a plan and read it over so that you understand what you want to do in the gym. Basically, you should be prepared before you go to the gym rather than just floundering around and making stuff up after you get there. For example, if you want to do…
  • DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) isn't unusual and can last a few days. It can be pretty severe, but is more of a dull/achy pain rather than a sharp pain. Exercising when sore is most likely ok. Exceptions would be sharp pains or anything that you think otherwise might be an injury. I often exercise while sore if I'm…
  • This is an example of a body weight progression -
  • If your goal is to have killer endurance on squats, those programs work great. If you want to build muscle and strength then you need a program that will progressively increase resistance. This could be a bodyweight progression (assisted squat, squat, pistol squat, etc...) or use weights (barbell, kettle bell, etc...)
  • I don't do cheat days. However, I don't have over restrictive set in stone rules I have to follow either. Fully understanding your diet and allowing flexibility (i.e. a day/week at maintenance when desired) will allow you to be successful.
  • You are losing over 3lb/week (based on previous recent posts) and unless you weigh 300lb your "diet" should have ended a long time ago and been replaced by a reasonable one. At 5'11" and somewhere near 190lb and active, you should be eating closer to 2100 calories/day possibly more. Take a diet break for 1-2 weeks and then…
  • To lose the most weight between now and December you have to do something you'll stick with. That is more important than anything else. You are better off losing 0.5lb/week and sticking to it, then trying to lose 2lb/week and then "cheating" and losing 0lb. After that, depending on your height/age/activity, set an…
  • I started at 220lb and I'm now 170lb. I bought 2 pairs of jeans at ~185lb which are now too big (size 32's, I can fit a 30, but 31's are more comfortable unless the fit is perfect in the legs). I also bought maybe 3 shirts at ~182lb. My wife started buying me some more shirts at 170lb and just bought me two pair of shorts.…
  • This works great if you just want some general cardio. I run around with my kids all the time and can often wear them out if I want to. If you want to build some serious strength though you still need a few hours/week with some weights.
  • Eat for weightloss, exercise for fitness. So, if the goal is just to lose weight, then eat less food. Also, the kids are a non-issue. I lift weights in my garage and occasionally run on the treadmill. The 1-month old isn't a problem, just throw them in a pack & play or whatever to keep them safe. The 3-year old you can…
  • This argument will get two sides. The one where they say no because it is too insignificant, and the other that says yes because you are burning calories. The reality is do it however you want so long as you get a reasonably accurate Calories Out estimate. So, either add it as exercise with your activity level set to…
  • Water weight fluctuates. Sometimes you lose a lot of water, sometimes you retain water. One of the primary reasons is to balance electrolytes (one of which is sodium). If you eat salty foods, your body will need to retain water to maintain the proper ratio of salt, and conversely, if you stop eating salty food your body…
  • While true, it is not relevant to general weight loss (we're going to ignore extreme cases like high level athletes looking for every edge). Your body needs TDEE calories per day to maintain its weight. If you consume less it will eventually lose weight. Alcohol will be used for energy first, but if Alcohol + Food < TDEE…
  • Well, for starters, if you've been losing 1lb/day you either massively changed your diet or you are just beginning. 1lb/day would be a 3500 calorie/day deficit. With what you wrote (-1000 calories of beer + some orange juice and chocolate) I would expect you to lose closer to 1lb/week as a rough guess. If you are just…
  • I've been lifting for the last 15ish months (breaks due to non-lifting injury along the way, prior to that it had been a ~10-year gap), and "cutting" for the last 11.5 months (there have been various breaks along the way, like vacation, but always back to the diet). When I started out I was gaining a ton of strength and…
  • On Android, go to the progress "tab" and then in the top left select weight and change it to waist. I have to imagine it is similar on iOS.
  • I don't watch a lot of TV (I only had cable 2 of the last 10 years) and if I do I'm not wasting my time watching exercise shows. I prefer to watch a lot of the comic book shows (Flash, Agents of Shield, Arrow, etc...) and some of the crime shows (NCIS, and when they were on, White Collar, Psych, The Mentalist, etc...)
  • I weigh every day and use trendweight. However, if you ask me what I weigh, I'll tell you whatever I weighed myself this morning rounded to the closest lb. Honestly it doesn't really matter, as you said there are flucations so why drive yourself crazy trying to extract accuracy out of something that isn't that accurate.
  • There are plenty of apps that let you track your routine, such as jefit and fitocracy, but I'm not familiar with all of them. For my basic routine fitocracy is good enough. However, that is different than a routine, which is what you seem to be asking for. You could do any number of programs, such as,…
  • I think you should do that routine every day and report back to us. I'm sure that you'll give 100% effort and get amazing results on everything with those 5 hours of sleep and 1200 calories of protein shakes.