All sort of naughty items.....
Oh yeah don't bite down......
Yes to bother ladies above
Kiss that face and take her on a hot date
Yes I would
pat that butt nice kilt
maybe let see how things go
Yes to both Ladies above
I think I could
Hell yeah all over you
I would so kiss them lips and what a beautiful smile....
Can't believe how long this has staid up on time of the threads...LOL
LOL oh I am so much better than 007..... 003 is the newer model.
They are all over you MonkeyMel21...... What I can't get an add I left a message....LOL
LOL this is funny.....
Yes I did...... Proud of it...... I like lots of wet, little hot, and all kinds of wild...
Boxer don't do tightie whities need more breeze for the boys
Oh babe you are perfect..... Sound like you need a few Adult Drinks
Oh that is so HOT.......LOL Poor thing, I will bring the Ice, brush and I will fix the A/C if you don't mind a hot sweaty guy in jeans....LOL
LOL Conversation Starter.
Hello new friend 28
Oh yes just like you... Plus I am a tease
Oh you know you want some of this......LOL
LOL Playing around Girl just a good conversation starter.
heck no sorry dude
Only if the people want some porn let there be some.......